This broad project aims to extract valuable science from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), with particular focus on:
- Characterising enigmatic objects such as pulsars and fast radio transients;
- Observations from the Epoch of Reionisation – a cosmic period 13 billion years ago when the first stars and galaxies formed; and
- Galaxies – by surveying the entire southern hemisphere sky, the MWA will make in-depth observations of our own galaxy and external galaxies, allowing ICRAR scientists to map the Universe in greater detail than ever before.
Available Projects
- Monster Black Holes at the Dawn of Cosmic Time
- Determining the Accretion/Jet Connection in Super-massive Black Holes
- The Life and Times of High-redshift Radio Galaxies
- GLEAM-X: Exploring the Universe in Radio Colour
- Novel transient radio sources in MWA surveys
- Opening a window on the ionised interstellar medium of nearby galaxies