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The following previously advertised positions have now closed. Please feel free to apply for any of the positions listed on the current vacancies page.





The Peter Curran Memorial Fellowship for Radio Astronomy Research 3546384 Curtin 15-JULY-2016
Curtin Fellowships (Early Career and Senior) N/A Curtin 08-AUGUST-2016
Professor or Associate Professor, Radio Astronomy Research – Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy 3547025 Curtin 15-AUGUST-2016
Professor, Radio Astronomy Engineering & Co-Director, Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy 3547014 Curtin 15-AUGUST-2016
CAASTRO 3D Fellowships – two positions ANU 514752 Curtin/UWA 17-JAN-2017
Research Associate (Theoretical Astrophysics) 498244 UWA 31-JAN-2017
Research Associate (WALLABY) 498321 UWA 10-FEB-2017
Research Associate (Astrophysical Simulations) 498322 UWA 10-FEB-2017
KIAA-ICRAR joint postdoctoral research positions on radio astronomy N/A UWA 9-MAR-2017
Software Engineer (CAASTRO-3D Data Intensive Astronomy) 498323 UWA 31-MAR-2017
Research Associate (Postdoctoral) in Epoch of Reionisation Calibration Software 4900 Curtin 15-SEPT-2017
Research Associate (Postdoctoral) in Epoch of Reionisation Sky Calibration Models 4901 Curtin 15-SEPT-2017
Research Associate (Postdoctoral) in Epoch of Reionisation Data Processing 4902 Curtin 15-SEPT-2017
Project Officer (Online and Outreach) 499297 UWA 27-SEPT-2017
Project Officer (Citizen Science) 499296 UWA 27-SEPT-2017
ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in HI Surveys 499255 UWA 23-OCT-2017
ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in Astrophysical Simulations of Galaxy Formation 499252 UWA 23-OCT-2017
Senior Research Fellow in Accretion/Jet Physics 3559981 Curtin 23-OCT-2017
Senior Research Fellow in Radio astronomy engineering 3559367 Curtin 23-OCT-2017
KIAA-International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) Postdoctoral Fellowships N/A ICRAR 30-NOV-2017
Senior Research Fellow – Radio astronomy engineering 5022 Curtin 12-JAN-2018
ASTRO 3D Senior Research Fellow 499311 UWA 15-JAN-2018
Research Associate 499550 UWA 15-FEB-2018
Forrest Fellowship  UWA or Curtin 18-MAY-2018
ASTRO 3D Postdoctoral Fellowship CURTIN86  Curtin 1-JUNE-2018
Fieldwork Coordinator – Murchison Widefield Array CURTIN168  Curtin 25-JUNE-2018
Research Associate/Fellow (ALA/ALB) – Physics and Astronomy CURTIN38  Curtin 13-JULY-2018
Research Fellow, Global Epoch of Reionisation Signal CURTIN305 Curtin 26-OCT-2018
Senior Research Fellow, MWA Survey Science CURTIN333 Curtin 31-OCT-2018
ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in HI Galaxy Evolution Surveys 502322 UWA 17-DEC-2018
Research Associate 502312 UWA 18-DEC-2018
Jim Buckee Fellowship in Astrophysics 502394 UWA 18-DEC-2018
Software Engineer (Web Application) 502423 UWA 20-DEC-2018
Extragalactic Science CURTIN430 Curtin 08-FEB-2019
Pulsars and Fast Transients CURTIN424 Curtin 08-FEB-2019
Radio Astronomy Engineering CURTIN441 Curtin 08-FEB-2019
ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in HI Galaxy Evolution Surveys 502322 UWA 28-APR-2019
Business Development Manager “Translation and Impact” 56053 Curtin 13-SEPT-2019
Research Associate 503316 UWA 24-OCT-2019
ICRAR Visiting Fellowship For Senior Women In Astronomy N/A Curtin and UWA 31-OCT-2019
Lecturer- FRB Research 58338 Curtin 15-NOV-2019
ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in HI Surveys 503370 UWA 15-NOV-2019
Software Engineer 503240 UWA 22-DEC-2019
Associate Lecturer – Cosmic Ray Research 270233 Curtin 15-JAN-2020
Associate Lecturer – Research in Accreting Black Holes 270235 Curtin 15-JAN-2020
Research Fellow 231614 Curtin 17-JAN-2020
Associate Lecturer/Lecturer/Senior Lecturer – Radio Astronomy Instrumentation 269373 Curtin 31-JAN-2020
Senior Research Fellow – Data Science 504083 UWA 03-MAR-2020
ASTRO 3D Research Fellow 320201 Curtin 23-APR-2020
Expression of Interest for Female Academics – Science & Engineering N/A Curtin 08-MAY-2020
Director (Australian SKA Regional Centre) [closing date extended] 504227 UWA 17-MAY-2020
Research Associate – Galaxy Evolution 504550 UWA 07-JUNE-2020
Developer 624923 Curtin 22-OCT-2020
Research Associate 635066 Curtin 04-DEC-2020
Coordinator (SPIRIT) 505741 UWA 10-JAN-2021
Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor 632147 Curtin 27-JAN-2021
Research Associate 675081 Curtin 4-MAR-2021
Research Associate – Galaxy Evolution in the Local Universe 506267 UWA 28-MAR-2021
Research Fellow – Observational Radio Astronomy 506400 UWA 28-MAY-2021
Senior Research Fellow – Observational Radio Astronomy 506403 UWA 15-JUN-2021
Research Engineer 507066 UWA 27-JUN-2021
Research Associates – MAGPI Theory and Observational 507258 UWA 27-AUG-2021
Executive Director, International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research 507021 UWA 13-OCT-2021
Software Research Engineer (Data Intensive Astronomy) 507693 UWA 24-OCT-2021
Research Associate 817255 Curtin 06-DEC-2021
Software Team Lead 814376 Curtin 07-DEC-2021
Manager – Translation and Impact 855200 Curtin 04-MAR-2022
Software Research Engineer (Data Intensive Astronomy) 507693 UWA 27-MAR-2022
Software Research Engineer 509177 UWA 27-JUN-2022
Research Associate/Research Fellow 920973 Curtin 02-JUL-2022
Lecturer/Associate Lecturer 913629 Curtin 17-JUL-2022
Outreach and Education Coordinator 510271 UWA 10-AUG-2022
Manager (Strategic Engagement and Communications) 510364 UWA 14-AUG-2022
Senior Research Fellow – Data Science 510191 UWA 22-AUG-2022
Senior Research Engineer (SKA) 510366 UWA 30-AUG-2022
Research Fellow – Data Science 512977 UWA 15-DEC-2022
Coordinator (Digital Content) 514014 UWA 05-APR-2023
Coordinator (SPIRIT) 514015 UWA 05-APR-2023
Senior Research Engineer (SKA) 515390 UWA 01-OCT-2023
Communications Systems Lead, TeraNet Project 515407 UWA 11-OCT-2023
Research Fellow (Communications Systems) 515450 UWA 11-OCT-2023
Executive Assistant 515574 UWA 17-OCT-23

The Peter Curran Memorial Fellowship for Radio Astronomy Research

  • Position Title:    Curtin Senior Research Fellow/ Curtin Early Career Researcher Fellow
  • Tenure:    4 years fixed term, full-time
  • Salary Range:    $93,342 – $131,843 (ALB / ALC)

Utilise your research skills and astronomy expertise at the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy.
This four-year position at ICRAR-Curtin is to undertake an independent research program in the field of accretion and jet physics, working within the accretion physics group led by Dr James Miller-Jones. The proposed research should be aligned with or complementary to existing core research threads, which are centred around X-ray binaries and ultraluminous X-ray sources.
A clear focus for ICRAR-Curtin research programs is the path to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), including the scientific exploitation of SKA pathfinders and precursors such as the ICRAR-Curtin led $50M Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), and a leading role in SKA pre-construction activities over the next three years. In particular, the MWA has been in its full science operations phase for the past three years and the international MWA collaboration has recently funded a significant upgrade that is now underway. ICRAR researchers also have excellent access to the nearby $80M Pawsey supercomputing Centre. The Peter Curran Memorial Fellowship for Radio Astronomy Research has been provided by Curtin University in recognition of Peter’s commitment to the development of radio astronomy. Allowances to cover computing and approved travel for, e.g., observing trips, national and international meetings, will be available on a discretionary basis.
The successful applicant will establish their own research program and contribute to student supervision, and will be expected to participate in competitive grant applications. Active engagement with new and upcoming facilities is strongly encouraged, including but not limited to the SKA and its precursor facilities, the MWA and MeerKAT. You will need a PhD in a relevant discipline and a demonstrated ability to conduct research and publish high-quality papers. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential.
This role can be fulfilled on a full-time or part-time basis. However, due to visa restrictions, international applicants can be considered only on a full-time basis. Visa sponsorship and some relocation expenses may be negotiable.

Contact: Dr James Miller-Jones

Curtin Fellowships (Early Career and Senior)

  • Position Title:    Research Fellow/ Senior Research Fellow – CIRA
  • Tenure:    fixed term, full-time
  • Salary Range:    $93,342 – $131,843 (ALB / ALC)

Curtin Fellowships are available to Local and international applicants and are for a fixed term. See the Fellowship Guidelines for full details.
Applications must be lodged online by the due date.

Professor or Associate Professor, Radio Astronomy Research – Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy

  • Tenure:  Continuing, full-time
  • Salary Range:  $137,678 – $177,345 (ALD/ALE)
  • Contact Person: Professor Carole Jackson on 0061 8 9266 4908
  • Contact Email: carole.jackson@curtin.edu.au

This outstanding opportunity is on offer in the fast-growing team of radio astronomers and engineers within the University’s Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA).

CIRA undertakes all radio astronomy research at Curtin University and is a partner in a number of significant national and international collaborative ventures, including the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). CIRA pursues research and development in astronomy and radio astronomy engineering focused on the international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio-telescope project and its precursor telescopes. In particular, Curtin University directs, owns and operates the $50M Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) and is playing a leading role in SKA engineering and science activities, including expertise for SKA1 construction, operations and science leadership.

This position is based at Curtin University’s Technology Park, Bentley. CIRA currently comprises approximately 60 R&D staff and students, with numbers set to further increase over the next two years.

For more information about CIRA and ICRAR see: http://astronomy.curtin.edu.au/ and https://www.icrar.org/research/science

Curtin University invites applications for a tenured Associate Professor or Professor. This role will involve leading original and innovation contributions across CIRA’s core research programs, providing leadership and mentoring to junior staff to ensure the continued growth of this team.

A doctoral qualification with a strong track record of publications in radio astronomy complementary to CIRA’s core programs is essential. Demonstrated leadership of integrated research activity both within and across groups in academia will be paramount to your success in this position. A competitive salary package will be negotiated, commensurate with experience and achievements.

Professor, Radio Astronomy Engineering & Co-Director, Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy

  • Tenure:  Continuing, full-time
  • Salary Range: $177,345 (ALE) plus loading (negotiable)
  • Contact Person: Professor Kevin Fynn on 0061 8 9266 2997
  • Contact Email: k.fynn@curtin.edu.au

This outstanding opportunity is on offer in the fast-growing team of radio astronomers and engineers within the University’s Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA).

CIRA undertakes all radio astronomy research at Curtin University and is a partner in a number of significant national and international collaborative ventures, including the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). CIRA pursues research and development focused on the international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio-telescope project and its precursor telescopes. In particular, Curtin University directs, owns and operates the $50m Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) and has a pivotal role in SKA pre-construction activities. With half of the SKA to be sited in Western Australia, CIRA is building expertise for SKA construction, operations and science leadership.

This position is based at Curtin University’s Technology Park, Bentley. CIRA currently comprises approximately 60 R&D staff and students, with numbers set to further increase over coming years.

For more information about CIRA and ICRAR see: http://astronomy.curtin.edu.au/ and https://www.icrar.org/research/technology-engineering

This position is the only Chair in radio astronomy engineering in Australia. It encompasses leadership of all CIRA’s engineering programs, including SKA engagement, MWA development, and novel engineering research across a range of sub-disciplines including antenna engineering, receiver systems development, electronics, signal processing and data intensive astronomy, and power systems.

Curtin University invites applications for this tenured Chair with the expectation that the appointee will provide high-level leadership within CIRA and associated ventures, and continue CIRA’s success in exploiting opportunities at the boundary of astronomy and engineering.

A doctoral qualification and a strong track record of publications in radio astronomy or engineering complementary to CIRA’s core programs are essential. Demonstrated leadership of integrated research activity both within and across groups in academia and/or industry is paramount to your success in this position. A competitive salary package will be negotiated, commensurate with experience and achievements.

CAASTRO 3D Fellowships

  • Position Title: Postdoctoral Fellowship with CAASTRO-3D
  • Tenure: 4 years fixed term, full-time
  • Salary Range: $85,916 – $115,277 (ALA/ALB)
  • Location: One position available at Curtin University and one position available at The University of Western Australia

The Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3-Dimensions (CAASTRO-3D) spans six (6) Australian universities, three (3) national infrastructure facilities, and seven (7) international partner institutions.
Headed by Professor Lisa Kewley at the Australian National University, the newly formed Centre of Excellence is offering one (1) prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship at each research node to outstanding early career postdoctoral scientists to conduct independent, world-leading observational or theoretical research focused on the main Centre scientific programs. CAASTRO-3D’s Curtin and UWA nodes’ research focus are the Epoch of Reionisation, ASKAP Surveys, First Galaxies, and Data Intensive Astronomy Infrastructure:

  • Data Intensive Science: the Centre is reliant on the efficient collection, processing, storage and curation of vast amounts of data from the Centre’s scientific programs, requiring novel techniques and advanced algorithms to accomplish. Contact: Professor Andreas Wicenec, Professor Lister Staveley-Smith, and Dr Martin Meyer.
  • First Galaxies: Following the launch of JWST on Oct-2018 we will be conducting guaranteed time observations to obtain an ultra-deep JWST field, as well as searching for z>12 galaxies using foreground clusters to amplify the distant light. Contact: Professor Simon Driver.
  • The Epoch of Reionisation: This program will use the Murchison Widefield Array in Western Australia to detect the Epoch of Reionisation using neutral hydrogen emission, compare with the predictions of detailed theoretical simulations, and work towards the future SKA EoR program. Contact: Dr Cathryn Trott, Professor Carole Jackson.
  • ASKAP Surveys: The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder is conducting three large surveys (FLASH, WALLABY, and DINGO) to measure the mass and angular momentum through neutral hydrogen gas of hundreds of thousand galaxies over the past 6 billion years. Dr Martin Meyer, Professor Lister Staveley-Smith and Professor Simon Driver.
  • The Genesis Simulation Suite: Complementing the observational science programs of CAASTRO-3D is an ambitious and comprehensive theoretical program of cosmological simulations and galaxy formation modelling, including development of novel astrophysical models and detailed comparison of simulation predictions with observational datasets (e.g. the ASKAP and SAMI surveys). Contact: A/Professor Chris Power.

The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) is funded by the State Government of Western Australia and is a joint venture between Curtin University and The University of Western Australia (UWA). ICRAR is playing a key role in Australia’s participation in the international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project. ICRAR is a highly regarded international Centre with over 150 staff and students delivering world-class outcomes for astronomical science, engineering and data intensive astronomy. ICRAR offers a very vibrant and innovative research culture and supportive environment. ICRAR researchers also have excellent access to the nearby $80M Pawsey supercomputing Centre.

These prestigious Fellowships are tenable at one or more Australian CAASTRO-3D host institutions of the Fellows’ choice, subject to a maximum of one Fellow per host institution per year. Fellows may spend up to two 2 years visiting at another CAASTRO-3D host institution or partner institution of their choice, and are encouraged to conduct research within more than one scientific program. Both UWA and Curtin University are host institutions and we encourage applicants to contact us for further information on the specific aspects of the following CAASTRO-3D programs which are centred at our Universities:

Further information is available on the ANU Job Listing. Applicants should review the complete advert for these Fellowships as there is a central evaluation process. Also see the AAS  job advert (JRID57644, open 1 December).
Overall Contacts: Professor Carole Jackson (CAASTRO-3D Curtin Node Director) or Professor Lister Staveley-Smith (CAASTRO-3D UWA Node Director)

Note: reference letters should be sent to Lisa Kewley and the relevant CAASTRO-3D node director.

Research Associate (Theoretical Astrophysics)

  • Position Title: Research Associate (Theoretical Astrophysics)
  • Tenure: 2 year appointment (with the possibility of a 1 year extension subject to funding)
  • Salary Range: Level A Step 8 $91,397 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

ICRAR is looking to appoint a highly motivated and suitably qualified scientist to undertake research in cosmological simulations of galaxy transformation in dense environments, as part of an ARC-funded Discovery Project. The Research Associate (RA) will work under the supervision of Prof Kenji Bekki at ICRAR and in collaboration with observational astronomers at Swinburne University (Prof Duncan Forbes), the University of Queensland (Prof Michael Drinkwater), and the Australian Astronomical Observatory (Prof Warwick Couch). Applicants must have a PhD in computational astrophysics or related discipline. Preference will be given to candidates who have experiences of hydrodynamical modeling of galaxy transformation processes, preferably in dense environments. However, applications from candidates working in other areas of theoretical astrophysics will be considered.

Further information is available on the UWA Job Listing. Applicants should review the complete advert for this position.

Contact: Dr Kenji Bekki.

Research Associate – CAASTRO-3D Research Scientist on Wallaby

  • Tenure: 3 year appointment (with the possibility of a 1 year extension subject to funding)
  • Salary Range: Level A $67,352 – $91,397 p.a. plus 17% superannuation and relocation support if required
  • Unique opportunity to work alongside ICRAR and CSIRO astrophysicists, taking part in two of Australia’s largest astronomy centres and engage in frontline international science using world-class observing and computing facilities, and work with leading researchers

The focus of this research position is the Wallaby HI survey now being conducted with the ASKAP telescope (www.atnf.csiro.au/research/WALLABY) by principal investigators Prof Lister Staveley-Smith (ICRAR/UWA), Dr Bärbel Koribalski (CSIRO), and the rest of the Wallaby team which consists of over 100 researchers. The vibrant and diverse Australian astronomical research community has access to a broad array of other facilities, including the Parkes and Compact Array telescopes, the Magellan, Gemini and Keck telescopes, and is engaged in the Giant Magellan Telescope and Square Kilometre Array projects.

We are currently in search for a passionate and driven Research Associate to undertake competitive research and actively collaborate with researchers within ICRAR/UWA, CSIRO and other CAASTRO – 3D nodes and partner institutes.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in radio astronomy or related discipline
  • Expertise in area of astrophysics relevant to the ASKAP Wallaby survey
  • Experience in data intensive astronomy
  • Proficiency in verbal and written communication
  • Good publication record as evidenced by international refereed publications
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in distributed scientific collaborations
  • An understanding of equal opportunity principles and policies and a commitment to their application in a university context

Further information is available on the UWA Job Listing. Applicants should review the complete advert for this position.

Research Associate – CAASTRO-3D Research Scientist in Astrophysical Simulations

  • Tenure: 3 year appointment
  • Salary Range: Level A $67,352 – $91,397 p.a. plus 17% superannuation and relocation support if required
  • Unique opportunity to work on astrophysical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution, exploiting hydro-dynamical and semi-analytical methods
  • Take part in two of Australia’s largest astronomy centres (CAASTRO-3D and ICRAR), engage in frontline international science using world-class high performance computing facilities, and work with leading researchers.

This research position focuses on utilisation and development of astrophysical simulations of galaxy formation, and consists of large-scale cosmological N-body runs coupled to semi-analytical models, and detailed hydro-dynamical runs of galaxy formation, which exploit high performance computing facilities across Australia. There will be extensive opportunity to develop accurate, physically motivated models for small-scale astrophysical processes, and to produce realistic synthetic observables for comparison with observational data.

We are currently in search for an enthusiastic Research Associate to be part of this 3-Dimensions research, led by Professor Lisa Kewley at the Australian National University. The appointee will have the opportunity to spend time visiting other CAASTRO-3D host and partner institutions.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in astrophysical simulations or related discipline
  • Expertise in astrophysics and high performance computing
  • Experience in data intensive astronomy
  • Proficiency in verbal and written communication
  • Good publication record as evidenced by international refereed publications
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in distributed scientific collaborations
  • An understanding of equal opportunity principles and policies and a commitment to their application in a university context

KIAA-ICRAR joint postdoctoral research positions on radio astronomy

  • Tenure: 4 year appointment, split between Beijing and Perth
  • Salary Range: Depending on experience and qualifications
  • Postdoctoral fellow position
  • Start date: July 1/Sep 1 2017

The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) at Peking University (PKU), Beijing, China and the International Centre of Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Perth, Australia invite applications with a Chinese citizenship to fill in 2 jointly funded postdoctoral research positions to work on radio astronomy, starting in the fall of 2017. The term of the funding is four years, with the first half based at KIAA and the second half at ICRAR.

We seek for qualified applicants with an expertise in single-dish or interferometry radio astronomy, or relevant numerical simulations.

Successful applicants will be encouraged to carry out independent and original research as well as collaborate with KIAA and ICRAR staff on topics related to 1) galaxy assembly and evolution (neutral atomic and molecular gas, radio continuum, multi-wavelength surveys), 2) galaxy-AGN-black hole coevolution (neutral atomic and molecular gas, radio continuum, multi-wavelength surveys), 3) the variable universe (pulsars and radio transients) and 4) cosmology (EOR, large-scale structure, intensity mapping, simulations).

The broad aim of this program is to support excellent research by early career radio researchers, to enhance the astronomical and SKA collaborations between China and Australia, and to reinforce the capability in China in fully extracting the scientific value from the coming radio surveys at the 500-m FAST telescope in China, as well as SKA precursor surveys world-wide.

KIAA is an international center of excellence promoting basic astrophysical research. With English as its working language, KIAA is developing an intellectual environment for scientific exchange. In partnership with the National Astronomical Observatories and other astronomical centers and universities in China, KIAA is engaged in theoretical and observational initiatives, development and utilization of facilities, and training of students and postdocs. KIAA regularly sponsors thematic workshops, conferences, and special-topic training programs. KIAA is establishing exchange and visiting programs with other Kavli institutes and a network of universities and astronomy centers worldwide. The institute, in conjunction with the Department of Astronomy, has a total of about 25 faculty, 20 postdoctoral fellows, 50 graduate students, and 120 undergraduates. More information

ICRAR is a joint venture between Curtin University and the University of Western Australia, engaged in Astronomy research, engineering and data intensive astronomy. ICRAR is ranked as one of the top five institutions of its kind in the world and is a significant partner in SKA pre-construction activities.


Ph.D. in astronomy, physics, planetary sciences or related fields completed or expected by effective date, and a demonstrated record of research excellence. Restricted to applicants with a Chinese citizenship.

Software Engineer (CAASTRO-3D Data Intensive Astronomy)

  • Tenure: 3 year appointment
  • Salary Range: Professional Staff Level 8 $94,637 – $103,646 p.a. plus 17% superannuation
  • Unique opportunity to work as part of a multi-university centre of excellence
  • Take part in two of Australia’s largest astronomy centres (CAASTRO-3D and ICRAR), engage in frontline international science using world-class high performance computing facilities, and work with leading researchers.

The focus of this software engineering position is on large-scale global data management, data processing, enabling in-site visualisation and data product dissemination. The development will be driven by science requirements of the various science projects carried out within CAASTRO-3D (see the list above). Due to the amount of data collected by current and future facilities and experiments, the handling and processing of the data requires large, heterogeneous computing facilities and capabilities. This includes HPC centres, in-house clusters as well as private and public clouds. The software needs to be able to make use and manage such a diverse landscape. Science projects are highly experimental and agile in nature and thus the software, as well as the persons behind the software need to be able to work in such an environment.

Research Associate (Postdoctoral) in Epoch of Reionisation Calibration Software

  • Tenure: Full time, fixed term until January 2021
  • Salary Range: ALA ($85,916 – $92,224)

ICRAR-Curtin invites applicants for a three-year postdoctoral research associate software position to work within the Ionised Universe Theme of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D). Based in the Epoch of Reionisation project at the Curtin node, this position will develop, test and apply new data calibration software algorithms for the Murchison Widefield Array EoR project. The incumbent will contribute to the development of the next version of the MWA EoR calibration. This position is funded by The ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D), a seven-year Centre of Excellence with six nodes across Australia, will interact directly with the Data Intensive Astronomy Thread for software development, and has the opportunity for research visits to other ASTRO 3D nodes and partner institutions.

As an ASTRO 3D postdoctoral researcher, this position works within the Ionised Theme of ASTRO 3D and the MWA EoR project, co-led by Dr Cathryn Trott and Prof. Rachel Webster (University of Melbourne).

Research Associate (Postdoctoral) in Epoch of Reionisation Sky Calibration Models

  • Tenure: Full time, fixed term until January 2021
  • Salary Range: ALA ($85,916 – $92,224)

ICRAR-Curtin invites applicants for a three-year postdoctoral research associate to within the Ionised Universe Theme of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D). Based in the Epoch of Reionisation project at the Curtin node, this position will measure, define and improve the foreground calibration model for the Murchison Widefield Array EoR project using existing catalogues and new observations. The incumbent will contribute to generating and refining the Galactic and extragalactic sky model for data calibration and source peeling. This position is funded by The ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D), a seven-year Centre of Excellence with six nodes across Australia. The position is funded for three years, with a potential extension for a further year, and has the opportunity for research visits to other CAASTRO-3D nodes and partner institutions.

As an ASTRO 3D postdoctoral researcher, this position works within the Ionised Theme of ASTRO 3D and the MWA EoR project, co-led by Dr Cathryn Trott and Prof. Rachel Webster (University of Melbourne).

Research Associate (Postdoctoral) in Epoch of Reionisation Data Processing

  • Tenure: Full time, fixed term until January 2021
  • Salary Range: ALA ($85,916 – $92,224)

ICRAR-Curtin invites applicants for a three-year postdoctoral research associate software position to work within the Ionised Universe Theme of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D). Based in the Epoch of Reionisation project at the Curtin node, this position will calibrate and process data from the Murchison Widefield Array EoR project. The incumbent will contribute to defining and improving the approach to data calibration, apply these techniques to data from the MWA to calibrate the dataset, process through to an EoR power spectrum, and compute the associated uncertainties. Part of the role may form an understanding of the impact of calibration method on the data, exploit the MWA’s redundant and non-redundant baselines, and/or contribute to maintenance of the data curation and quality database. This position is funded by The ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D), a seven-year Centre of Excellence with six nodes across Australia. The position is funded for three years, with a potential extension for a further year, and has the opportunity for research visits to other ASTRO 3D nodes and partner institutions.

As an ASTRO 3D postdoctoral researcher, this position works within the Ionised Theme of ASTRO 3D and the MWA EoR project, co-led by Dr Cathryn Trott and Prof. Rachel Webster (University of Melbourne).

Project Officer (Online and Outreach)

  • 0.8 FTE (32 hours per week)
  • Salary range: Pro-rata Level 6 $77,122 – $81,629 p.a. plus Super.
  • 12 Month parental leave cover

Connecting with the broader community, communicating scientific research and promoting interest and participation in science, astronomy and engineering is an important part of ICRAR’s work. The Project Officer (Online and Outreach) performs a front line role for ICRAR’s Outreach, Education and Communications team. Their job is to maintain ICRAR’s online presence as well as support the delivery of programs for schools and the general community.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification or equivalent competency
  • An experienced science communicator with an enthusiasm for science and astronomy.
  • Substantial experience managing and maintaining a public website (WordPress content management experience favoured).
  • Experience in delivering public events for the community.
  • Experience in delivering public outreach and education programs (astronomy themed outreach favoured).
  • Highly developed written and verbal communication skills.
  • Highly developed planning and organisational skills.
  • A demonstrated ability to think, problem solve and work creatively.
  • A demonstrated ability to work independently and work productively as part of a team.
  • Proficiency in a range of computing skills such as word processing, presentation development, spreadsheets and databases, as well as use of the internet and email.

Project Officer (Citizen Science)

  • 0.4 FTE (15 hours per week)
  • Salary range: Pro-rata Level 6 $77,122 – $81,629 p.a. plus Super.
  • 12 Month contract with possibility of extension

Connecting with the broader community, communicating scientific research and promoting interest and participation in science, astronomy and engineering is an important part of ICRAR’s work. As part of this mission, ICRAR has a suite of Citizen Science projects where the public can participate in achieving our scientific goals.

The Project Officer (Citizen Science) performs a front line role for ICRAR’s new citizen science project, Galaxy Explorer Forensics, acting as a communications point for project participants and maintaining new information and website features.
As part of a creative and productive team this role requires an excellent communicator with a strong work ethic and the technical ability to work autonomously, and flexibly to maintain the citizen science infrastructure, including servers and public facing websites.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification or equivalent competency.
  • Substantial experience and passion for science and science engagement. Passion and experience in astronomy looked upon very favourably.
  • Experience in web maintenance, specifically in WordPress, and experience in systems hosted on Amazon Web Services infrastructure favourable.
  • Experience in evaluation of community programs (citizen science or outreach preferred).
  • Experience in community consultation for programs.
  • Highly developed written and verbal communication skills.
  • Highly developed planning and organisational skills.
  • A demonstrated ability to think, problem solve and work creatively.
  • A demonstrated ability to work independently and work productively as part of a team.
  • Proficiency in a range of computing skills such as word processing, presentation development, spread sheets and databases, as well as use of the internet and email.

ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in HI Surveys

  • Full time, 3 year appointment, with a further year available, depending on performance and availability of funding
  • Salary range: Level A/B $67,352 – $114,250 p.a.
  • Plus 17% superannuation

This ASTRO 3D research position will be based at ICRAR/UWA and will focus on the DINGO HI survey. As a member of the DINGO team, the researcher will carry out deep spectral line integrations with the ASKAP telescope to understand the role HI has played in galaxy evolution over the past 4 billion years.  This project is closely aligned with the GAMA survey (and in future WAVES), enabling a wide range of spectroscopic and multiwavelength analyses.  The researcher will work with DINGO principal investigator, Dr Martin Meyer, and other members of the DINGO, ICRAR, and ASTRO 3D teams to processes data, and carry out early science, from this ground-breaking survey.

ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in Astrophysical Simulations of Galaxy Formation

  • Full time, 3 year appointment, with a further year available, depending on performance and availability of funding
  • Salary range: Level A $67,352 – $91,397 p.a.
  • Plus 17% superannuation

This research position focuses on developing and using astrophysical hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation to study gas in and around galaxies. These will form part of the Genesis Simulations programme, an integral part of the CAASTRO3D science program, which exploits high performance computing facilities on Australia’s national peak facilities. The predictions will be directly compared with observations with ASKAP, in particular the FLASH survey, and there will be ample opportunity to work closely with the survey teams to both improve modelling and to better understand the observables. This research position will be embedded within the Computational Theory and Modelling team at ICRAR/UWA, but it will have close ties with researchers at the other ASTRO 3D host and partner institutions.

Senior Research Fellow in Accretion/Jet Physics

  • Fixed term, full-time. Until 31 October 2021
  • Salary range: Level ALC ($118,914 to $137,117 per annum)

The ICRAR node at Curtin University, Perth, invites applications for the position of Senior Research Fellow for a term of up to four years, specializing in the area of accretion and jet physics, or radio transients. The new Fellow will be expected to establish an independent research program in an area complementary to the activities of the existing accretion physics group at the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA), which are focused on multi-wavelength observational studies of accreting stellar-mass compact objects (including X-ray binaries, cataclysmic variables and ultraluminous X-ray sources), as well as studies of radio transient sources.

To be successful, you will have a well-established track record, with extensive observational or theoretical expertise in this field of research. Collaborating with the accretion physics group, you will be expected to

  • Conduct original research in accretion/jet physics
  • Lead competitive funding applications
  • Supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Conduct appropriate service activities both within CIRA and the broader University

Senior Research Fellow in Radio Astronomy Engineering

  • Fixed term, full-time. Until 31 October 2021
  • Salary range: Level ALC ($118,914 to $137,117 per annum)

The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) plays a key role in the development, construction and operation of new radio astronomical facilities, in particular the SKA precursor Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) telescope, as well as playing major parts in Australia’s contribution to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). ICRAR-Curtin, comprising more than fifty staff and PhD students, is at the forefront of low frequency radio astronomy research as the manager and operator of the MWA. The MWA has been fully operational since 2013, undertaking a number of important science programs whose results are contributing to the design process for SKA-Low.

As Senior Research Fellow at ICRAR-Curtin, you will undertake an independent research program in the field of radio astronomy engineering, working within the Engineering Research group led by Prof David Davidson. Two topics of particularly high priority are the calibration issues specifically facing aperture array radio telescopes such as MWA and SKA-Low, and advanced RFI mitigation techniques for radio astronomy, including spatial filtering. The successful applicant will establish their own research program, focusing on one or both of these topics. He/she will be expected to supervise undergraduate and postgraduate research students, participate in competitive grant applications and maintain strong collaborative links with international partners, in particular the SKAO and its relevant consortia. Active engagement with new and upcoming facilities is strongly encouraged, including but not limited to the SKA and its precursor facilities, the MWA and MeerKAT.

KIAA-International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) at Peking University (PKU), Beijing, China invites applications for KIAA-International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) Postdoctoral Fellowships. For more information on these fellowships and all other postdoctoral opportunities at KIAA, see: http://kiaa.pku.edu.cn/opportunities/postdoc
The KIAA Fellowships and other positions are open to qualified applicants in any area. The KIAA-ICRAR fellowships are four-year appointments, with the first half based at KIAA and the second half at ICRAR.
Successful applicants will be encouraged to carry out independent and original research as well as collaborate with staff at Peking University and partner institutes. The successful applicant should begin at KIAA within 3 years of their PhD diploma, with exceptions possible in rare cases. The KIAA-ICRAR Fellowships are restricted to Chinese citizens.

Senior Research Fellow – Radio astronomy engineering

  • Fixed term, full-time. Until 31 October 2021
  • Salary range: $118,914 – $137,117 (ALC)
  • Plus 17% superannuation
  • Advert extended, previous applicants need not reapply

The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) and associated Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) play key roles in the development, construction and operation of new radio astronomical facilities, in particular the SKA precursor Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) telescope, as well as playing major parts in Australia’s contribution to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). CIRA, comprising more than fifty staff and PhD students, is at the forefront of low frequency radio astronomy research as the manager and operator of the MWA. The MWA has been fully operational since 2013, undertaking a number of important science programs whose results are contributing to the design process for SKA_LOW.

As Senior Research Fellow at CIRA, you will undertake an independent research program in the field of radio astronomy engineering, working within the Engineering Research group led by Prof David Davidson. Two topics of particularly high priority are the calibration issues specifically facing aperture array radio telescopes such as MWA and SKA_LOW, and advanced RFI mitigation techniques for radio astronomy, including spatial filtering. The successful applicant will establish their own research program, focusing on one or both of these topics. He/she will be expected to supervise undergraduate and postgraduate research students, participate in competitive grant applications and maintain strong collaborative links with international partners, in particular the SKAO and its relevant consortia. Active engagement with new and upcoming facilities is strongly encouraged, including but not limited to the SKA and its precursor facilities, the MWA and MeerKAT.

You will need a doctoral qualification in a relevant discipline (most probably electronic engineering or radio astronomy). A demonstrated ability to conduct leading-edge research and publish high-quality papers is essential, as are excellent communication and interpersonal skills. The ability to travel interstate and / or overseas is a requirement. Practical knowledge of antennas, radio interferometry, signal processing, RF electronics, digital systems and/or RFI mitigation would be highly desirable. Some observational skills and experience of an observatory would also be valuable.

ASTRO 3D Senior Research Fellow

  • Ongoing, tenurable position
  • Salary range: Level C $117,857 – $135,900 p.a.
  • Plus 17% superannuation
  • Applications invited from female applicants only.

ICRAR/UWA hosts a node of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), headed by Professor Lisa Kewley (ANU). ASTRO 3D spans five other Australian universities, three national infrastructure facilities, and seven international partner institutions and conducts world-leading observational and theoretical research focused on the main Centre scientific programs:

  1. The Epoch of Reionization : This program will use the Murchison Wide-field Array in Western Australia to detect the sources at the epoch of reionization using rest-frame 21cm emission and to compare with the predictions of detailed theoretical simulations.
  2. First Stars: This program aims to discover the oldest and most metal-poor stars in and around the Milky Way using ANU’s SkyMapper telescope and determining their chemical compositions by means of high-resolution spectroscopy with telescopes like Keck and Magellan to shed light on their formation, evolution and nucleosynthesis.
  3. First Galaxies: This program aims to discover the first galaxies in the universe  with JWST and to reveal their chemical and star formation properties.
  4. Galaxy Formation and Evolution: This research program, suitable for both theorists and observers, combines rest-frame UV, optical, and infrared Keck spectroscopy with large-scale numerical simulations to understand chemical evolution, mass build-up, and the accumulation of angular momentum in galaxies across cosmic time, gas transport through galaxies and in galactic outflows, and how chemical elements are incorporated into stars.
  5. ASKAP Surveys: The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder is conducting three large surveys (FLASH, WALLABY, and DINGO) to measure the mass and angular momentum through neutral hydrogen gas of hundreds of thousand galaxies over the past 6 billion years.
  6. SAMI: the SAMI Galaxy Survey is providing data on the kinematics, morphology and stellar populations of more than 3000 galaxies. This project will use these data to explore the role of angular momentum in determining the morphologies and star formation histories of galaxies. It will compare observations to simulations of galaxy formation to test models of angular momentum evolution during galaxy assembly.
  7. GALAH: The GALactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) survey is an ambitious spectroscopic survey on the Anglo-Australian Telescope with the ultimate goal of determining the detailed chemical composition of a million stars in the Milky Way to unravel the full assembly, dynamical, chemical, star formation and merger history of the Galaxy.
  8. Data Intensive Science: the Centre is reliant on the efficient collection, processing, storage and curation of vast amounts of data from the Centre’s scientific programs, requiring novel techniques and advanced algorithms to accomplish.

Research at the ICRAR/UWA node of ASTRO 3D is mainly focused on ASKAP HI surveys, SAMI/HECTOR, cosmological simulations and data intensive science. However applications from candidates with experience in any of the ASTRO 3D research areas are welcome.

You will take a leading research role at ICRAR/UWA in an area in astronomy and astrophysics related to one or more of the research areas of ASTRO 3D listed above. You will have generous travel and research support. Allocation of PhD students and postdoctoral support will be through competitive UWA and national processes. The position is tenurable at UWA with the first four years being funded by ASTRO 3D in the role of ASTRO 3D Fellow. Contributions to advanced teaching will be viewed favourably in this period. After this period, the position will be funded by UWA in an ongoing capacity. There will be UWA teaching and other duties after this period, as directed. You will be expected to offer PhD projects and to supervise undergraduate, Masters and PhD students. You will interact with national and international ASTRO 3D team members, ICRAR staff, and other national and international researchers on projects of fundamental importance. ASTRO 3D research at ICRAR/UWA is focussed on large-scale HI surveys with ASKAP and complementary optical/IR surveys and large-scale cosmological simulations. These projects will help UWA’s aspirations for future engagement in SKA and other major-facility science. This position is open to female applicants only.

Research Associate

  • 3 year fixed term appointment
  • Salary range: Level A $67,352 – $91,397 p.a.
  • Plus 17% superannuation

We are in search for a qualified individual to join the wide-field spectroscopic survey group at ICRAR.

The successful applicant will contribute towards the science exploitation of Galaxy and Mass Assembly Survey (GAMA), the observing of Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS), the planning for Wide Area VISTA Extra-galactic Survey (WAVES) and assist in the development of the 4MOST redshift, continuum, and line measurement pipeline (4XP). In doing so, the applicant will become a core member of all three surveys with full data access and authorship rights to GAMA, DEVILS, and WAVES publications. The candidate will lead a research campaign, around these surveys, with a focus on galaxy evolution and dark matter constraints through the study of groups, mergers, star-formation, energy, and structure over all cosmic time. In addition to the above spectroscopic surveys, the group is also involved in a number of imaging programs with opportunities for involvement, these include: eROSITA, DINGO, WALLABY, EMU, TAIPAN, HECTOR, JWST, LSST, MSE, Euclid, and WFIRST.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Have a PhD in a field relevant to optical extragalactic astronomy
  • Experience in extragalactic astronomy (esp. Galaxy evolution) attested by a good publication record
  • Experience in redshift determination (spectroscopic and/or photometric)

You will be a highly motivated individual with an ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team. Previous experience in observing in optical spectroscopy, in development of spectroscopic pipelines for redshifting and/or continuum/line- fitting, and in galaxy group finding using spectroscopic surveys will be highly desirable.

Forrest Fellowship

The Forrest Research Foundation aims to attract exceptional early stage researchers from around the world to conduct innovative and exciting research at any of Western Australia’s five universities. The fellowships are open to candidates who have passed their PhD examination since 1 January 2016, or who will pass their PhD examination before 31 December 2018. The fellowships are for 3 years, and are valued at over $115,000 per annum. Applications are now open, and close on 18 May 2018.

Forrest Fellowships are offered to early-stage post-doctoral researchers who have outstanding academic profiles and who have already made significant personal research contributions to their discipline. Forrest Fellows will have been among the top performing students in their undergraduate and graduate cohorts. They will normally already have gained high-level research experience through studying and researching in a number of different institutions, and their innovative doctoral research will be recognised well beyond their current institutional home.

Forrest Fellows will wish to extend their post-doctoral research well beyond the focus of their doctoral dissertation, and will aim to do so in a way that builds intellectual bridges within and between disciplines. Forrest Fellows will also be committed to communicating their research to others, and to using it to have a positive impact on the world around us.

Before applying, applicants must contact the research group/department where they wish to conduct their post-doctoral research, and receive direct confirmation that their work will be mentored by a senior member of academic staff, and that the research group/department will provide all necessary research support.

ASTRO 3D Postdoctoral Fellowship

A prestigious ASTRO 3D Postdoctoral Fellowship in Australia is available for an outstanding early career researcher within the Curtin University node of the Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions. Curtin University is part of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), a Joint Venture partnership with the University of Western Australia, which is also an ASTRO 3D node.

  • Undertake cutting edge research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Work with a leading research facility
  • Flexibility in ASTRO 3D science program

The Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) spans six (6) Australian universities, three (3) national infrastructure facilities, and seven (7) international partner institutions. ASTRO 3D combines Australia’s leading optical, infrared and radio telescope technologies with sophisticated theoretical simulations and ambitious new data intensive science techniques to build a comprehensive picture of the evolution of matter, the chemical elements, and ionizing radiation in the Universe from the Epoch of Reionization to the present day.

This Fellowship is offered at the Curtin University node and is offered within and across any of the science programs in ASTRO 3D. The primary science program at the Curtin node is The Epoch of Reionization, led by Assoc. Professor Cathryn Trott, and a research plan that includes the Epoch of Reionization science program would be advantageous.

Fieldwork Coordinator – Murchison Widefield Array

  • 5 years fixed-term, full time
  • $ 79,627 – $ 84,541 (G06) + 17% Superannuation

A rare opportunity for you to be responsible for the coordination of the MWA’s field work program at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO). Our field work program supports a range of radio astronomy activities including the international Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) and Aperture Array Verification System (AAVS) projects; and other instruments and experiments including the Engineering Development Array (EDA) and BIGHORNS.

This position will include specific training on first aid, remote driving, and system specific maintenance tasks.

  • Coordinate and lead field activities.
    • Manage planning and approvals for all field activities.
    • Procure goods and services required to support field activities.
    • Manage execution of field campaigns in accordance with approved plans.
    • Prepare post deployment field reports.
  • Manage MWA’s field safety and logistics procedures and documentation.
    • Ensure ongoing compliance with relevant University policies.
    • Promote and coordinate continuous improvement.
  • Contribute to MWA’s routine diagnostic, maintenance and repair programs for fielded instrumentation.
    • Perform basic fault finding and repair by replacement on fielded systems with guidance
    • Supervise contracted site and instrument maintenance activities
  • Support MWA outreach activities.

You will bring to the role
1. A relevant qualification with relevant experience; or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.
2. Demonstrated organisational skills with experience in or the ability to manage the operational requirements of a scientific field station, including the planning of complex activities such as the application of risk assessment and management procedures.
3. Demonstrated knowledge of, and commitment to ensuring, Occupational Safety and Health practices and regulations are followed.
4. Demonstrated oral communication skills with the ability to interact effectively and professionally with multiple stakeholders.
5. Demonstrated effective written communication skills with the ability to produce documents, correspondence, records, instructions and procedures which are clear, accurate and concise.
6. Demonstrated interpersonal skills with proven ability to work collaboratively and effectively as part of a team as well as the ability to supervise the work of others.
7. Proficiency in basic IT platforms including MS Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint.

Research Associate/Fellow (ALA/ALB) – Physics and Astronomy

  • Fixed-term, full time until 30 June 2021
  • $68,768 – $93,178 (ALA) + superannuation
  • $98,059 – $116,369 (ALB) + superannuation

An extraordinary Research Associate/Fellow opportunity funded by the Australian Research Council is available to carry out work on the localisation of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) with the ASKAP survey for fast transients, CRAFT.
You will be involved in the interpretation of FRB dispersion measures and redshifts to determine the intergalactic baryon density and the effect of galaxy feedback on the IGM, and in developing models of the intergalactic baryon distribution.

  • Contribute to the analysis of the properties of FRB host galaxies
  • Contribute to the detection and localisation of FRBs in high time resolution data
  • Be involved in most aspects of the data pipeline, from observations to data processing to statistical analysis, and work with other members of the CRAFT team
  • Augment the scientific return from CRAFT by interacting with other Curtin University staff and CRAFT members in the interpretation of survey results and in the pursuit of multi-messenger follow-up of FRB detections

You will bring to this role

  • A doctoral qualification relevant to Physics or Astronomy.
  • Possess an excellent track record, with potential for attracting competitive grant funding.
  • Previous experience in radio interferometry is highly desirable.
  • Experience in high-time resolution data processing or pulsar astronomy is advantageous.

Research Fellow, Global Epoch of Reionisation Signal

  • Tenure:    4 years fixed term, full-time
  • Salary Range:   $98,059 – $116,369 (ALB) plus 17% Superannuation

A four-year Research Fellow position is available at the Curtin University node of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Perth, Australia. The Research Fellow will work with the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) project to design, build and undertake science observations and analysis of the global neutral hydrogen signal from the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionisation with a prototype array of low radio frequency short-spaced dipoles. The project requires a good knowledge of, and experience with astronomical instrumentation and engineering, and scientific observations and data analysis. The Fellow will work with the Murchison Widefield Array EoR team, Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) engineering staff and existing Global Signal programs to deliver the prototype array, as a science-quality test instrument for larger Global Signal projects. The position is available from January 2019 for a duration of four years.

This Fellow position is supported through an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship program, which aims to unveil signals from the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionisation through innovative instrumentation and algorithms.

Your new role

The Research Fellow will work with project leader Assoc. Prof. Cathryn Trott and other global signal and instrumentation expertise at CIRA, to perform a global EoR signal experiment using short-spacing leaked total power signal. The Fellow will lead the development of a prototype array of 15-20 closely-space dipoles, with full signal digitisation, including design of the array layout, signal chain and power requirements. Aspects of this instrumentation development will be supported by existing instrumentation and antenna-design expertise at CIRA. The Fellow will then undertake science observations and analysis of data from the array, with the aim to detect global signal power from the first billion years of the Universe. The prototype array will be co-located with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) at the Murchison Radioastronomy Observatory, a radio-quiet zone in the Western Australian desert. Cross-correlation measurements with the MWA will allow for system calibration and benchmarking.

The incumbent of this position is expected to have good knowledge of radio astronomy instrumentation and data analysis. Experience with low-frequency radio interferometers, dipole arrays, and/or global signal experiments would be advantageous.

  • Design and build a prototype dipole array for conducting short-spacing cross-correlation observations of the low-frequency sky, including array layout, signal chain and power requirements
  • Design and conduct science observations with the prototype array to calibrate the instrument and extract total power signal
  • Analyse data to extract a global neutral hydrogen signal, or constraints on such, from the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionisation
  • Develop and maintain effective relationships with key internal and external stakeholders
  • Present results in high-quality journals and at relevant workshops and conferences
  • Supervise undergraduate and HDR students, and contribute to the general EoR Research Group and ICRAR science programs
  • As a member of the University community, demonstrate the highest possible standards of professional and personal conduct, modelling the University’s Values and Signature Behaviours.

Click here to view the Position Description

You will bring to the role

  • A PhD in radio astronomy, radio engineering, or experience developing scientific instrumentation and undertaking analysis
  • Demonstrated strong track record of research outputs and communication of methods and results
  • Demonstrated understanding of the principles of radio interferometry
  • Experience with low-frequency radio astronomy datasets
  • Knowledge of low-frequency radio astronomy calibration
  • Potential for attracting external grants and funding
  • Ability to supervise Higher Degree by Research students
  • Commitment to principles of equity and diversity, and demonstrated ability to work in a team environment.
  • Experience with global signal experiments, and/or low-frequency radio dipole arrays (Desirable)

What we offer you

  • Fixed term and externally funded research-only position for four years, with funding available for travel and computing

Curtin University offers a competitive remuneration and benefits package, a friendly and collaborative work environment, generous leave entitlements, flexible working arrangements, a relocation allowance, generous superannuation, salary-packaging arrangements including childcare, and the potential to support dual-career arrangements.

What we need from you

You are encouraged to respond specifically to the selection criteria.

Senior Research Fellow, MWA Survey Science

  • Tenure:    3 years fixed term, full-time
  • Salary Range:   $120,028 – $138,340 (ALC) plus 17% Superannuation

We are seeking a new Senior Research Fellow, funded by the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, to work on scientific exploitation of new survey data from the recently-upgraded Murchison Widefield Array (MWA); a low-frequency radio telescope for which Curtin University is the lead and managing organisation.

You will use your in-depth subject matter knowledge of extragalactic radio astronomy to enable and deliver new scientific publications from MWA data products. We particularly welcome applications from candidates with expertise in one or more of our priority science areas: life cycles of radio galaxies, physics of galaxy clusters, detection and characterisation of the cosmic web, and radio source population studies.

In addition to data from the MWA, the candidate will have the opportunity to leverage the numerous multi-wavelength surveys Australian astronomers have access to (e.g. Skymapper, ASKAP, GAMA, Taipan) and to exploit Australia’s partnership with the European Southern Observatory (ESO; http://www.eso.org) to conduct novel research exploiting the synergies between MWA and other multi-wavelength facilities.

You will work closely with our established MWA science team, complementing their skills with your experience in radio and multi-wavelength astronomy and obtaining follow-up multi-wavelength observations to understand the nature of MWA radio sources.
You will work openly and in close collaboration with existing teams from across the 21 MWA partner institutions in following-up new MWA surveys. You will be widely respected for your collaborative qualities.
This position will be based at the Curtin University node of ICRAR, located on the Bentley Campus of Curtin University. The position will involve liaising with collaborators at MWA partner institutes both in Australia and overseas, and may involve regular travel between these institutes.

More information.

What we offer you
Curtin University offers a competitive remuneration and benefits package, a friendly and collaborative work environment, generous leave entitlements, flexible working arrangements, a relocation allowance, generous superannuation, salary-packaging arrangements including childcare, and the potential to support dual-career arrangements.

What we need from you

You are encouraged to respond specifically to the selection criteria.

ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in HI Galaxy Evolution Surveys

  • 3 year appointment
  • Salary range: Level A $68,452 – $92,497 p.a. – plus 17% superannuation
  • Flexibility to undertake interstate and international travel

This ASTRO 3D research position will be based at ICRAR/UWA and will focus on the DINGO HI survey. As a member of the DINGO team, the researcher will assist with deep spectral line integrations using the ASKAP telescope to understand the role HI has played in galaxy evolution over the past 4 billion years. This project is closely aligned with the GAMA survey (and in future WAVES), enabling a wide range of spectroscopic and multiwavelength analyses. The researcher will work with DINGO principal investigator, Dr Martin Meyer, and other members of the DINGO, ICRAR, and ASTRO 3D teams, to create the core survey data products for the survey and carry out early science analyses from this ground-breaking survey.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in radio astronomy or related discipline
  • Experience in an area of astrophysics relevant to the ASKAP DINGO survey
  • Experience in radio astronomy techniques and/or data intensive astronomy methods to assist in the processing and analysis of DINGO data
  • Good publication record as evidenced by international refereed publications
  • Proficiency in verbal and written communication
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in distributed scientific collaborations
  • An understanding of equal opportunity principles and policies and a commitment to their application in a university context

Full details of the position’s responsibilities and the selection criteria are outlined in the position description.

Research Associate

  • Amazing opportunity for a passionate and driven researcher to join a rapidly growing research institute in Australia and contribute to scientific exploitation of state-of-the-art multiwavelength surveys
  • Full time, 3 year appointment
  • Salary range: Level A, Step 8, $92,497 p.a. plus employer contributed superannuation of 17%

ICRAR is looking for a highly motivated and suitably qualified candidate to join the multiwavelength surveys group. The appointee will work on optical integral-field spectroscopic and HI spectral-line studies of nearby galaxies, aimed at understanding the physical processes driving galaxy transformation and affecting the star formation activity and angular momentum of galaxies.

The appointee will work under the supervision of Dr. Luca Cortese, and join one of the most active and rapidly growing research institutes in Australia and will be able to contribute to the scientific exploitation of state-of-the-art multiwavelength surveys, including SAMI, HECTOR and WALLABY.

As the appointee with a PhD in a field relevant to extragalactic astronomy, you will demonstrate:

  • Experience in extragalactic astronomy (e.g. galaxy evolution) attested by a good publication record
  • Experience in the analysis of optical spectroscopic data (either long-slit or integral field)
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team

Full details of the position’s responsibilities and the selection criteria are outlined in the position description.

Jim Buckee Fellowship in astrophysics

  • Join ICRAR’s thriving simulations team and work on modelling the formation and evolution of galaxies using supercomputer simulations
  • 3 year appointment
  • Salary range: Level A, Step 8, $92,497 p.a. plus employer contributed superannuation of 17%

The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) is a State funded Centre established as a joint venture between The University of Western Australia (UWA) and Curtin University. The Centre, along with CSIRO, is playing a key role in Australia’s participation in the international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) effort.

UWA graduate Dr Jim Buckee, who gained a BSc Honours at UWA in 1967 and a PhD in Astrophysics at Britain’s Oxford University in 1970, has generously endowed a new research position at UWA that will play a key role in the SKA project.

ICRAR is looking for a highly motivated scientist to apply for the prestigious Jim Buckee Fellowship in Astrophysics to undertake research in supercomputer modelling of the formation and evolution of galaxies using supercomputer simulations. Applicants must have a PhD in computational astrophysics, radio astronomy or related discipline.

Full details of the position’s responsibilities and the selection criteria are outlined in the position description.

Software Engineer (Web Application)

  • 3 year appointment
  • Salary range: Level 6 $78,222 – $82,729 p.a.
  • Plus 17% superannuation

As a member of ICRAR’s Data Intensive Astronomy (DIA) team, you will undertake analyses of requirements, and design and develop enhancements and extensions to the existing web applications or new web applications. You will be predominantly using Open Source Software and will be required to develop and maintain technical documentation and assist in the preparation of training and support materials for these applications. The development will be conducted in close collaboration with end users and product owners.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Degree or postgraduate qualification in a relevant area or substantial recent experience developing complex web applications
  • Substantial relevant experience in applying web programming principles to the analysis and development of web-based business solutions
  • Considerable experience developing with the complete web application stack, including AJAX, JavaScript and JavaScript libraries, JSON, CSS, web sockets, HTML, HTML5, Python and SQL/noSQL in a Linux/Unix environment.
  • Knowledge or expertise of/with other programming languages suitable or optimised for web programming would be an asset.
  • Experience with operational web application deployment scenarios, including security and load balancing/high availability considerations
  • Highly developed written and verbal communication skills
  • Highly developed organisational skills and ability to prioritise and schedule work.
  • Interest in astronomy and/or scientific data analytics in general would be an asset
  • Ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team
  • Experience in the preparation of software documentation in particular for web applications
  • Experience integrating applications with web architectures through RESTful services
  • In-depth experience with one or more major web development frameworks (any language) or web based content management systems

Extragalactic Science

  • 3 years fixed term, full-time – Teaching & Research (ALA/ALB) position
  • $86,832 – $93,178 (ALA) plus 17% Superannuation
  • $98,059 – $116,369 (ALB) plus 17% Superannuation
  • Reasonable relocation expenses for the successful candidate and their family may be available, subject to negotiation

We are seeking a new Lecturer or Associate Lecturer, funded by the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, to contribute to our research and teaching programs. This position will be focused particularly on scientific exploitation of new extragalactic survey data from the recently-upgraded Murchison Widefield Array (MWA); a low-frequency radio telescope for which Curtin University is the lead and managing organisation.

You will use your in-depth subject matter knowledge of extragalactic radio astronomy to enable and deliver new scientific publications from processed MWA data products. We particularly welcome applications from candidates with expertise in one or more of our priority science areas: life cycles of radio galaxies, physics of galaxy clusters, detection and characterisation of the cosmic web, and radio source population studies.

In addition to data from the MWA, the candidate will have the opportunity to leverage the numerous multi-wavelength surveys Australian astronomers have access to (e.g. Skymapper, ASKAP, GAMA, Taipan) and to exploit Australia’s partnership with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to conduct novel research exploiting the synergies between MWA and other multi-wavelength facilities.

You will work closely with our established MWA science team, complementing their skills with your experience in radio and multi-wavelength astronomy and obtaining follow-up observations to understand the nature of MWA radio sources.

You will work openly and in close collaboration with existing teams from across the 21 MWA partner institutions in delivering new science results from existing and ongoing MWA surveys. You will be widely respected for your collaborative qualities.

You will work closely with students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervising research projects and contributing to the delivery of appropriate teaching units within the University. You may also have the opportunity to engage with sectors outside academia to translate astronomical skills and tools into end user-facing applications.

This position will be based at the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA), located on the Bentley Campus of Curtin University. The position will involve liaising with collaborators at MWA partner institutes both in Australia and overseas, and may involve regular travel between these institutes.

Essential Criteria:

  • A doctoral qualification relevant to Physics or Astronomy.
  • A strong research track record of both leading and enabling scientific publications in high-quality peer-reviewed journals, with demonstrated research impact.
  • The technical skills to successfully obtain and exploit relevant data from the MWA and other world-class facilities in pursuit of original science goals.
  • A commitment to open and supportive collaboration and the development of a collegial and supportive working environment.
  • Demonstrated high level communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to interact with students and staff with cross cultural sensitivity.

Desirable Criteria:

  • Demonstrated potential to lead and successfully obtain nationally competitive, peer-reviewed grants.
  • Demonstrated experience in analysing and integrating complex multi-wavelength data with radio imaging to understand the astrophysics of extragalactic radio sources.
  • Prior experience in providing mentoring and supervision of undergraduate or postgraduate research students.
  • Prior experience in undergraduate physics or astrophysics teaching, including developing and delivering lectures, laboratory programmes, and group teaching exercises.
  • Prior experience in working with industry, Government, community, or not-for-profit organisations to deliver creative solutions to demand driven research problems or support the core mission and goals of your employer.

Pulsars and Fast Transients

  • 4 years fixed term, full-time – Teaching & Research (ALA/ALB) position
  • $86,832 – $93,178 (ALA) plus 17% Superannuation
  • $98,059 – $116,369 (ALB) plus 17% Superannuation
  • Reasonable relocation expenses for the successful candidate and their family may be available, subject to negotiation

We are seeking a new Lecturer or Associate Lecturer, funded by the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), to contribute to Curtin’s ongoing teaching and research work in the area of high time resolution astrophysics. The research program will be focused on scientific exploitation of the high-time resolution capabilities of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA); a low-frequency radio telescope for which Curtin University is the lead and managing organisation.

You will use your in-depth subject matter knowledge of radio pulsar and/or fast radio burst (FRB) astronomy to enable and deliver high-quality scientific publications from the MWA telescope. We particularly welcome applications from candidates with expertise in one or more of the priority science areas: pulsar emission mechanisms; fast radio bursts; millisecond pulsars; using pulsars to probe the interstellar medium; searching and timing pulsars at low radio frequencies.

In addition to the scientific exploitation of the low-frequency capabilities of the MWA, you will also have the opportunity to leverage other major world-class facilities for pulsar or FRB astronomy, including but not limited to the Australian Parkes radio telescope, the Australian SKA Pathfinder, the refurbished Molonglo telescope (UTMOST), the Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope, and the South African MeerKAT.

You will work closely with the MWA high time resolution team, complementing their skills with your experience and scientific credentials, and actively contributing toward technical development that will enhance the high time resolution science capabilities of the MWA. You will initiate or lead new research that leverages both the capabilities and resources available within CIRA, thus contributing toward raising the visibility of CIRA in the field of pulsar/FRB astronomy.

You will work openly and in close collaboration with a rapidly growing MWA collaboration, involving members from MWA partner institutions and associate members, to further scientific exploitation of the MWA for low-frequency high time resolution astronomy.

You will work closely with students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervising research projects and contributing to the delivery of appropriate teaching units within the University. You may also have the opportunity to engage with sectors outside academia to translate astronomical skills and tools into end user-facing applications.

This position will be based at the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA), located on the Bentley Campus of Curtin University. The position will involve liaising with collaborators at MWA partner institutes both in Australia and overseas, and may involve regular travel between these institutes.

Essential Criteria:

  • A doctoral qualification relevant to Physics or Astronomy.
  • An excellent research track record of both leading and enabling scientific publications in high-quality peer-reviewed journals, with demonstrated research impact.
  • The technical skills to successfully obtain and exploit relevant pulsar and/or FRB data from the MWA and other world-class facilities in pursuit of original science goals.
  • Demonstrated experience in analysing and integrating high-time resolution data from single-dish and interferometric arrays for high time resolution astrophysics.
  • Evidence of having developed a significant independent research program.
  • Proficiency in instrumentation and technical aspects of high-time resolution astronomy, demonstrated through leading or participating in related software development and science applications.
  • A commitment to open and supportive collaboration and the development of a collegial and supportive working environment.
  • Demonstrated high level communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to interact with students and staff with cross cultural sensitivity.

Desirable Criteria:

  • Prior experience in undergraduate physics or astrophysics teaching, including developing and delivering lectures, laboratory programmes, and group teaching exercises.
  • Prior experience in working with industry, Government, community, or not-for-profit organisations to deliver creative solutions to demand driven research problems or support the core mission and goals of your employer.
  • Prior experience in providing mentoring and supervision of undergraduate or postgraduate research students.

Radio Astronomy Engineering

  • 3 years fixed term, full-time – Teaching & Research (ALA/ALB) position
  • $86,832 – $93,178 (ALA) plus 17% Superannuation
  • $98,059 – $116,369 (ALB) plus 17% Superannuation
  • Reasonable relocation expenses for the successful candidate and their family may be available, subject to negotiation

We are seeking a new Lecturer or Associate Lecturer, funded by the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, to contribute to our research and teaching programs in the field of radio astronomy engineering, working within the Engineering Research group led by Prof David Davidson.

The main aim of the position will be to work on the interface between engineering and science, calibrating and commissioning low frequency (largely VHF band) radio telescopes.

  • Your role will work primarily within our established research programmes, in particular on SKA1_LOW bridging and Early Production Array activities.
  • You will use your experience with antenna and RF system design, simulation, analysis, and metrology, as well with as the digital back-end, interferometry, calibration and RFI mitigation strategies to provide new insights into new and existing research projects.
  • You will use your in-depth knowledge of Radio Astronomy Engineering to enable and deliver new scientific discoveries, leading to international publications and be widely respected for your collaborative qualities.
  • You will work closely with students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervising research projects and contributing to the delivery of appropriate teaching units within the University.

This position will be based at the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA), located on the Bentley Campus of Curtin University. The position will involve liaising with collaborators in the SKA program both in Australia and overseas, and may involve regular travel between these institutes.

Essential Criteria:

  • A doctoral qualification in Electronic Engineering or relevant discipline
  • A strong research record of accomplishment of both leading and enabling scientific publications in high-quality peer-reviewed journals, with demonstrated research impact.
  • Demonstrated experience in radio astronomy instrumentation, and knowledge of appropriate engineering methods.
  • A commitment to open and supportive collaboration and the development of a collegial and supportive working environment.
  • Demonstrated high-level communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to interact with students and staff with cross cultural sensitivity.

Desirable Criteria:

  • Demonstrated potential to lead and successfully obtain nationally competitive, peer-reviewed grants.
  • Prior experience in providing mentoring and supervision of undergraduate or postgraduate research students.
  • Prior experience in undergraduate Electronic Engineering teaching, including developing and delivering lectures, laboratory programmes, and group teaching exercises.
  • Prior experience in working with industry, Government, community, or not-for-profit organisations to deliver creative solutions to demand driven research problems or support the core mission and goals of your employer.

ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in HI Galaxy Evolution Surveys

  • 3 year appointment
  • Salary: Level A8 – $93,653 p.a.
  • Plus 17% superannuation

This ASTRO 3D research position will be based at ICRAR/UWA and will focus on the DINGO HI survey. As a member of the DINGO team, the researcher will assist with deep spectral line integrations using the ASKAP telescope to understand the role HI has played in galaxy evolution over the past 4 billion years. This project is closely aligned with the GAMA survey (and in future WAVES), enabling a wide range of spectroscopic and multiwavelength analyses. The researcher will work with DINGO principal investigator, Dr Martin Meyer, and other members of the DINGO, ICRAR, and ASTRO 3D teams, to create the core survey data products for the survey and carry out early science analyses from this ground-breaking survey.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in radio astronomy or related discipline
  • Experience in an area of astrophysics relevant to the ASKAP DINGO survey
  • Experience in radio astronomy techniques and/or data intensive astronomy methods to assist in the processing and analysis of DINGO data
  • Good publication record as evidenced by international refereed publications
  • Proficiency in verbal and written communication
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in distributed scientific collaborations
  • An understanding of equal opportunity principles and policies and a commitment to their application in a university context

Business Development Manager “Translation and Impact”

Radio Astronomy is an application that exists at the convergence of the ‘STEM’ based disciplines that will define the workplace of the future. Capture and analysis of ultra-faint signals from the universe—the object of our pursuits—pushes the boundaries of technology and techniques in electromagnetics, signal processing and data-science. These challenges are compounded by demands and constraints imposed by the harsh and unrelenting environment that our instrumentation has to operate in.

Success in such an imposing endeavour comes through collaboration. Collaboration within a rich and diverse astronomy community all working to the same end; and collaboration across sectors and disciplines to leverage learning in and advances made in one domain into others where they can have a positive impact. ICRAR-Curtin has earned a reputation for forging meaningful, mutually beneficial collaborations to advance the major initiatives that it is engaged in, including the international MWA and SKA projects.

  • 2 years fixed term with a possibility of extension
  • A competitive salary will be offered plus 17% superannuation

As the leader of our Translation and Impact Program at ICRAR-Curtin, your role will involve:

  • Developing a thorough appreciation of the capabilities and underlying skill sets of the ICRAR-Curtin Team, and matching them to opportunities for collaboration and impact outside of radio astronomy.
  • Understanding the general and specific challenges CIRA faces—in the radio astronomy, instrumentation and operational domains—and engaging industry to help us overcome them.
  • Identifying and leveraging opportunities to secure funding to support CIRA’s Translation and Impact objectives.
  • High level engagement with a variety of internal and external stakeholders, including within Government, funding agencies, Curtin and other universities, and the industry.

Research Associate

ICRAR is looking for a highly motivated and suitably qualified candidate to join the local and distant Universe groups. The appointee will work on multiwavelength observations of galaxies (primarily optical integral-field spectroscopic and HI spectral-line studies), aimed at understanding the physical processes driving galaxy transformation and affecting the star formation activity and angular momentum of galaxies. The appointee will work under the supervision of Dr. Luca Cortese, join one of the most active and rapidly growing research institutes in Australia and will be able to contribute to the scientific exploitation of state-of-the-art multiwavelength surveys, including SAMI, MANGA, HECTOR, xGASS and WALLABY.

ICRAR astronomers have access to a wide range of observational facilities (including ESO facilities, the AAT, ATCA and ASKAP), as well as the nearby Pawsey supercomputing centre. The PDRA will be based at the ICRAR headquarters at the beautiful Matilda Bay campus of UWA. Perth (Western Australia) is listed as one of the world’s most liveable cities and offers an excellent ocean-side lifestyle.

The appointment will be for three years, and will include adequate funding to attend international conferences.

As the appointee with a PhD in a field relevant to extragalactic astronomy, you will demonstrate:

  • Experience in extragalactic astronomy (esp. galaxy evolution) research, attested by a good publication record.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team.
  • Experience in the analysis of optical spectroscopic data.
  • Experience in the analysis of HI spectral line observations.
  • Experience in leading observing proposals.
  • Experience in either spectral energy distribution or velocity field reconstruction.

Full details of the position’s responsibilities and the selection criteria are outlined in the position description.

ICRAR Visiting Fellowship For Senior Women In Astronomy

ICRAR is committed to supporting women in astronomical sciences and technology. This fellowship is aimed at providing an opportunity for senior women astronomers, as well as engineers and data scientists working in the field of astronomy, (having more than five years research work experience post PhD) to visit ICRAR and interact with ICRAR researchers and graduate students. This is the sixth round of this Fellowship.

The main objectives of the fellowship are to:

  • Create opportunities for young researchers at ICRAR, particularly women, to learn career development and work-life balance strategies from potential senior role models.
  • Enable scientific interaction between early career researchers and graduate students, particularly women, with senior academic visitors.
  • Explore opportunities for developing mentoring relations.
  • Enrich the research environment at ICRAR.
  • Create opportunities to foster national and international collaborations.

The Fellow is expected to take part in a range of mutually discussed and agreed activities in line with the objectives of the Fellowship and split the time similarly between the two ICRAR nodes (Curtin University and UWA), in order to have the opportunity to participate in ICRAR’s daily life and engage with people at both institutes.

Note, this is a visiting fellowship for a women already employed at another institution. 

Lecturer – FRB Research

ICRAR-Curtin is seeking a lecturer to join the Fast Radio Burst research team and become an active member of the CRAFT (Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients) collaboration. The role involves contributing strongly to the acquisition and interpretation of high time resolution interferometric data obtained by ASKAP and possibly the MWA.

  • 3 years fixed term
  • $99,530 – 118,115 (ALB) plus 17% superannuation

Augment the scientific return from CRAFT by interacting with other Curtin University staff members in any or all of the following areas: the interpretation of FRB survey results, the pursuit of multi-messenger follow-up of FRB detections, the statistical interpretation of burst statistics, the prosecution of cosmological studies involving FRBs, and examination of the burst host galaxies. The successful applicant will be expected to take a leading role in the peer-reviewed publication output of the group, take advantage of grant opportunities, and engage in a moderate degree of teaching or demand-driven research (of order 20%).

ASTRO 3D Research Scientist in HI Surveys

  • 3 year appointment on a full time basis
  • Salary range: Level A step 8, $93,653 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

This ASTRO 3D research position will be based at ICRAR/UWA and the focus is the WALLABY survey now being conducted with the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope by a team of over 100 national and international researchers. WALLABY is focused on studying the atomic hydrogen content of around 500,000 galaxies in the local Universe. Possible research areas include: Local Group galaxies and high-velocity clouds; the kinematics of Local Volume galaxies; environmental influences on galaxy interactions; galaxy formation and evolution, and cosmology. The UWA node of ASTRO 3D hosts the WALLABY principal investigator Professor Lister Staveley-Smith, project manager Dr Tobias Westmeier, science working group leaders Drs Barbara Catinella, Bi-Qing For, Luca Cortese and Ivy Wong, and strongly collaborates with other WALLABY and ASTRO 3D researchers based at other institutes. This vibrant project strongly connects with other ICRAR and ASTRO 3D observational and theoretical projects, and is an exciting precursor of science with the forthcoming Square Kilometre Array.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in astronomy or related discipline
  • Expertise in area of astronomy relevant to the ASKAP WALLABY survey
  • Proficiency in verbal and written communication
  • Good publication record as evidenced by international refereed publications
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in distributed scientific collaborations
  • An understanding of equal opportunity principles and policies and a commitment to their application in a university context

Software Engineer – ICRAR

As a member of ICRAR’s Data Intensive Astronomy (DIA) team, you will focus on porting and optimising existing algorithms to accelerators like GPUs or implement new algorithms on these platforms. You, as an experienced GPU software engineer, will work within our ICRAR Data Intensive Astronomy team on various software projects. In particular you will expand our expertise in the area of optimised GPU algorithms. You are also encouraged to research the applicability of other accelerator/processor technologies for certain algorithms.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification preferably a Degree in software engineering or computer science or demonstrated equivalent competency.
  • Substantial and extensive relevant experience in GPU software development and optimisation.
  • Demonstrated ability to architect, design and develop high quality software in multiple languages, including C/C++, Python, CUDA, OpenCL, OpenACC and/or others.
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in distributed scientific or commercial collaborations.
  • Well-developed written and verbal communication skills.

Associate Lecturer – Cosmic Ray Research

  • 3 years fixed term
  • $88,135 – 94,178 (ALA) plus 17% superannuation

The Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to perform cosmic ray studies with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope. The role involves contributing strongly to the acquisition and interpretation of MWA data at nanosecond time-scales, using simulations of radio emission from extensive air showers, and commissioning an array of low-RFI scintillation detectors to be used for triggering.

The successful applicant will take a lead role within a dedicated group studying cosmic rays with the MWA. They will enhance the MWA’s capabilities for cosmic ray detection by working with the MWA collaboration’s engineering and operations team, the Square Kilometre Array’s High Energy Cosmic Particles Focus Group, and CIRA research groups in high-energy astrophysics. They will take a leading role in the peer-reviewed publication output of the cosmic rays group, take advantage of grant opportunities, and apply for observation time with the MWA.

Associate Lecturer – Research in Accreting Black Holes

  • 3 years fixed term
  • $88,135 – 94,576 (ALA) plus 17% superannuation

The Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy is seeking an Associate Lecturer to join its accretion physics and slow transients research group. The role is funded by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant, and focused on radio follow-up of tidal disruption events and ultra-luminous X-ray sources detected by the new eROSITA X-ray telescope. This research project seeks to understand the processes of accretion and jet launching around the fastest-feeding black holes, both stellar-mass and supermassive.

The successful applicant will be expected to lead an observational program to investigate the launching of jets and outflows from black holes accreting at and above the Eddington limit, working in close collaboration with the eROSITA Time Domain working group. Following a new X-ray detection of a tidal disruption event or ultraluminous X-ray source, the candidate will design, conduct and analyse follow-up observations with ground-based radio and optical telescopes, aiming to understand the physics of accretion and ejection processes at their most extreme. The role will entail data processing and modelling, leading peer-reviewed publications, and participating in grant funding applications where appropriate. If desired, there may also be the opportunity to engage in some undergraduate teaching.

Research Fellow

  • 4 years Fixed Term
  • ALA $69,800 – $94,576 plus 17% superannuation OR ALB $99,530 to $118,115 plus 17% superannuation

You will work with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Imaging Surveys Research Group to deliver a large low-frequency wideband sky survey, and produce high impact science using the resulting images and catalogues. The project requires a good knowledge of radio astronomy and demonstrated capability in delivering science results. The Researcher will work with CIRA science staff and members of the MWA collaboration. The position is available from January 2020 for a duration of four years.
To be successful in this position, you will have good knowledge of radio astronomy, radio astrophysics, and data analysis. Experience with low-frequency radio interferometers, supercomputing, and/or large survey projects would be advantageous.

  • Run, maintain, and improve existing pipelines on the survey data;
  • Pursue new science projects using the GLEAM-X data;
  • Present results in high-quality journals and at relevant workshops and conferences;
  • Develop and maintain effective relationships with key internal and external stakeholders;
  • Co-supervise undergraduate and HDR students, and contribute scientifically to the general MWA Imaging Surveys Research Group programmes
  • As a member of the University community, demonstrate the highest possible standards of professional and personal conduct, modelling the University’s Values and Signature Behaviours;
  • Undertake other activities, which are consistent with the accountabilities and responsibilities as listed above.

Associate Lecturer/Lecturer/Senior Lecturer – Radio Astronomy Instrumentation

  • ALA /ALB/ALC – $69,800 – $121,829 plus 17% Superannuation
  • Fixed Term 3 years

As a lecturer at CIRA, you will be involved in our research program in the field of radio astronomy instrumentation, working within the Engineering Research group led by Prof David Davidson and working closely with A/Prof Randall Wayth.

Within the last year, two SKA-LOW prototypes have been deployed on the MRO site: the Engineering Development Array Version 2.0, and the Aperture Array Verification System Version 2.0. Each comprises 256 low frequency dipole-like elements, working largely in the VHF frequency band. Early commissioning of these prototypes, and developing suitable calibration routines, are an urgent priority for our work, as well as continuing work on the MWA with expectations that the successful applicant will be expected to focus primarily on these instruments.

There is also scope for an independent research component, where the candidate can develop his or her own research programs appropriately. There are also be expectations to assist with undergraduate teaching, contribute to supervising postgraduate research students, participate in competitive grant applications, maintain strong collaborative links with international partners (in particular the SKAO), and promote industry engagement.

Senior Research Fellow – Data Science

Join a team of diverse and globally distributed experts in areas of software engineering, computer science, algorithmic development and be part of one of the most biggest project in astronomical science and engineering.

  • Salary range: Level C ($122,456 – $140,861 p.a.) plus employer contributed superannuation of 17%
  • 2 year appointment on a full time basis

As the Senior Research Fellow with skills and experience in advanced data science technologies, you will take a lead role in extracting information from complex and big data sets. You will also lead various existing research projects inside and outside of astronomy with an aim to develop and formulate new research projects.

You will be part of the Data Intensive Astronomy (DIA) team with your machine learning and artificial intelligence skills. You will provide support to diverse groups of people internally from colleagues within ICRAR and externally from CSIRO and other partner institutes and companies. You will also contribute to teaching and supervise Masters and PhD students.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Degree in a scientific field such as computer science or software engineering or demonstrated equivalent competency. PhD is desirable but not mandatory
  • Substantial and extensive experience in the application of advanced data science methodologies to complex data sets. Experience with more traditional scientific or statistical algorithms is desirable
  • Experience in teaching and supervision

ASTRO 3D Research Fellow

  • 4 years fixed term, full-time externally funded research-only position
  • ALB $99,530 – $118,115 plus 17% Superannuation

The Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) spans seven (7) Australian universities, three (3) national infrastructure facilities, and seven (7) international partner institutions. ASTRO 3D combines Australia’s leading optical, infrared and radio telescope technologies with sophisticated theoretical simulations and ambitious new data intensive science techniques to build a comprehensive picture of the evolution of matter, the chemical elements, and ionizing radiation in the Universe from the Epoch of Reionization to the present day.

A prestigious ASTRO 3D Postdoctoral Fellowship in Australia is available for an outstanding early career researcher within the Curtin University node of the Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions.

Essential criteria

  • A doctoral qualification in relevant discipline.
  • Expertise in at least one of the following areas: the Epoch of Reionisation, the First Stars, the First Galaxies, Galaxy Evolution, ASKAP surveys, the SAMI survey, the GALAH survey, and/or Data Intensive Astronomy Infrastructure
  • Evidence of a record of research outputs/creative works in high quality refereed journals/outlets consistent with the discipline.
  • Evidence of quality and impact of research outputs/creative works including journal ranking, citation indices, patents awarded, reputation and standing of publishing house or other outlets, independent review from distinguished scholars or critics, or equivalent esteem measures as appropriate to the discipline.
  • Demonstrated high level communication and interpersonal skills with a commitment to the development of a collegial and supportive working environment and the ability to interact with students and staff with cross cultural sensitivity.
  • Demonstrated commitment to applying relevant and applicable policies, procedures and legislation in the day-to-day performance of the functions of this position.

Expression of Interest for Female Academics – Science & Engineering

In line with Curtin University’s strategic plan to address the under-representation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), they are seeking expressions of interest (EoIs) from highly experienced female applicants who are interested in potential opportunities across all academic levels in the Faculty of Science & Engineering.

ICRAR’s Curtin node forms part of this Faculty and EoIs focused on the activities of ICRAR-Curtin are welcome as their primary activities are in radio astronomy, in connection with the SKA and its Precursors, and cover astrophysics, engineering, high performance computing, and translation and impact (working with end users such as industry, community, and government). EoIs in any area are welcome.

Director (Australian SKA Regional Centre)

  • Full time, three year, fixed-term appointment, with the potential to transition to an ongoing (continuing contingent) appointment
  • Salary range: Level D, $146,992 -$161,715 p.a. plus employer contributed superannuation of 17%

As the Australian SKA Regional Centre (AusSRC) Director, you will lead the development of the AusSRC from a growing collaboration of the partner institutions (ICRAR, CSIRO, The Pawsey Supercomputer Centre, Astronomy Australia Limited) and facilities (Australian SKA Pathfinder [ASKAP] and the Murchison Wide-field Array [MWA]), through the submission of a comprehensive funding proposal to the Commonwealth, to an operational capability that meets national and international requirements surrounding SKA precursors and the early science needs of SKA.

You will report to the Executive Director ICRAR, and have a dotted line reporting relationship to the Deputy Director CSIRO Centre for Astronomy and Space Science (CASS).

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in astronomy, physics or related discipline
  • World-renowned expertise in relevant areas of data intensive projects and research
  • Outstanding verbal and written communication
  • Outstanding publication record as evidenced by international refereed publications
  • Demonstrated ability to form and work effectively with national and international collaborations
  • Demonstrated ability to win research/development grants
  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision.

Research Associate – Galaxy Evolution

  • Full time and fixed term appointment for 2 years
  • Salary range: Level A, $70,936 – $95,464 plus superannuation

In this role you will to undertake research in galaxy evolution in dense environments. This Post-Doctoral position at the UWA node of ICRAR will lead numerical simulations of galaxies in groups/clusters of galaxies as part of a collaborative project with Swinburne University and the University of Queensland (UQ).

The Post-Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) will perform cosmological and/or constrained simulations of galaxy formation and evolution and analyse the simulated galaxy properties with machine learning techniques to uncover details on the environment-driven galaxy evolution. The PDRA at UWA/ICRAR will work under the supervision of Professor Kenji Bekki.

This collaborative project is motivated by recent significant advances in research on photometric, spectroscopic, and morphological evolution of galaxies in clusters of galaxies (in particular, Fornax).

As the appointee with a PhD in Astrophysics, you will demonstrate:

  • Expertise in computational astrophysics (e.g., excellent HPC skills)
  • The ability to interact and collaborate with observational researchers
  • Reliability and effectiveness in distributed scientific collaborations
  • A strong publication record evidenced by refereed publications
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • The ability to work productively with students and/or contribute to outreach programmes.


We are seeking an experienced software engineer/developer to join the Curtin effort towards the Australian Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Regional (AusSRC) project; an initiative to test the scientific and computational requirements needed for the future Australian data processing centre for the SKA. The role is embedded in the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Operations Team in the Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy.

In this role you will:

  • Liaise with key scientific and technical stakeholders to distill scientific use cases into requirements and then develop appropriate software solutions.
  • Contribute to the development of requirements and system architecture of HPC systems such as is envisaged for the Australian SKA Regional Centre.
  • Investigate current and future technologies relevant to the astronomy usage of national high-performance computing facilities.
  • Ensure that suitable documentation is created and maintained.

We are looking for someone with:

  • A degree in computer science, software engineering or information technology with relevant experience or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.
  • Extensive experience in C/C++ and Python.
  • Demonstrated experience with development of code for GPUs.
  • Demonstrated experience in liaising with scientific and technical project stakeholders to translate scientific use-cases into requirements and then develop the required software solutions.
  • Demonstrated skills and a high level of expertise in development of high performance parallel and distributed software.
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver software development (or closely related) projects on time and on budget with successful end-user outcomes.
  • Demonstrated experience in technical or scientific writing.
  • Excellent stakeholder engagement and a demonstrated high standard of interpersonal and communication skills including the ability to work both independently and collaboratively in a multi-disciplinary environment.

Knowledge of radio astronomy and/or mathematics, particularly algorithm development would be an asset.

Research Associate

We have an exciting position available for a Research Associate to join the Murchison Widefield Array Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) project within the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D). This role will triage and process the cleanest existing data from the MWA project toward the most stringent limits on brightness temperature fluctuations from the Epoch of Reionisation.

Essential criteria:

  • A doctoral qualification in a relevant discipline is essential for appointment as a Research Associate.
  • Previous experience in radio interferometric data, Epoch of Reionisation observations or Epoch of Reionisation estimators

Desirable criteria:

  • Experience working with low-frequency radio interferometric data with aperture array telescopes
  • Experience with radio data calibration and processing
  • Experience with signal extraction, estimators and statistics
  • Experience working with Epoch of Reionisation simulated or real datasets

Coordinator (SPIRIT)

The SPIRIT program began in 2010 and consists of several research-grade telescopes that can be controlled remotely from anywhere in the world, allowing school students to observe and collect astronomical data using just an Internet browser. A new observatory is currently being established to co-locate the program’s existing telescopes alongside a new metre-class instrument, which is currently being commissioned.

As the appointee, under limited direction, you will deliver an educational program that allows students to experience astronomy first-hand and access research-grade equipment. You will provide senior administrative strategic planning and direction to the program, responding to complex and diverse enquiries and using expert judgement to independently analyse and solve problems, provide informed advice and provide senior administrative and executive support to the area. You will evolve and grow the program by designing new projects for students to undertake, by building new relationships with international collaborators, and by evaluating the long-term impact of the program with a focus for schools and communities that are under-represented in higher education.

This is a 0.8 FTE 2-year position based at The University of Western Australia node of ICRAR.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification or demonstrated equivalent competency
  • Demonstrated passion for education, science, science communication and astronomy
  • Ability to build, maintain and maximise outcomes from collaborative relationships
  • Demonstrated ability to leverage funds through grant applications and other opportunities
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills and high-level consultation skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, problem solve and work creatively and productively as part of a team
  • Excellent planning and organisational skills with the ability to develop, deliver and coordinate programs, events and activities
  • Proficiency in a range of computing skills including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, internet and email

Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor

  • Permanent role
  • $123,467 – $163,270 plus 17% superannuation
  • Opportunity for on-going career development

The Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) is seeking to appoint a new continuing faculty member as a Teaching and Research academic, at either Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor level, as appropriate.  The successful candidate will have an excellent research track record in areas aligned with, or complementary to, CIRA’s existing astrophysics research strengths, which are primarily in the areas of pulsars and fast radio bursts, accretion and jet physics, the epoch of reionisation, and extragalactic radio science.  Preference will be given to candidates with some level of theoretical expertise, especially those who can work closely with observational astronomers and/or engineers.  Active engagement with new and upcoming facilities is strongly encouraged, especially the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its Precursor facilities.

Research Associate

  • 3 year, fixed term contract – Full time
  • $71,230 – $96,105 plus 17% superannuation
  • Contribute to research

The Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) is seeking a Research Associate to contribute to the project “Solving the mystery of ultra luminous fast radio burst emission”, funded by the Australian Research Council. The role will involve working within the Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients Survey (CRAFT) collaboration, using high-time-resolution FRB data recorded by the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP).

ASKAP will shortly be upgraded to allow a fully coherent real-time detection system, which will dramatically increase the number of FRBs with nanosecond time resolution data and arcsecond localisation. The successful applicant will use this and existing data to study the underlying FRB emission mechanism, and the properties of the interstellar, and intergalactic, gas through which they propagate. They will work closely with other members of the CRAFT collaboration, in particular those at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s Astronomy and Space Science division.

Research Associate – Galaxy Evolution in the Local Universe

  • Amazing opportunity for a passionate and driven researcher to join a rapidly growing research institute in Australia and contribute to the scientific exploitation of state-of-the-art multiwavelength surveys
  • Full time, fixed term 3 year appointment with an immediate start date
  • Salary range: Level A, Step 8, $92,497 p.a. plus employer contributed superannuation of 17%

We are looking for a highly motivated and suitably qualified candidate to join the local Universe group at ICRAR. The appointee will work on multiwavelength observations of the Virgo cluster and other nearby galaxy clusters and groups (primarily obtained as part of the ALMA/VERTICO, CFHT/VESTIGE and ASKAP/WALLABY surveys), aimed at understanding the physical processes driving the quenching of star formation in high-density environments.

This position is funded by the Australian Research Council as part of a Discovery Project with the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute as main international partners.

Under the supervision of the ARC Future Fellow, Associate Professor Luca Cortese, you will join one of the most active and rapidly growing research institutes in Australia. You will also have the opportunity to contribute to the scientific exploitation of other on-going multiwavelength surveys, such as SAMI, HECTOR and DEVILS.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in a field relevant to extragalactic astronomy
  • Experience in extragalactic astronomy (e.g. galaxy evolution) research, attested by a good publication record
  • Experience in the analysis of radio/millimetre data
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, show initiative, problem solve and work productively as part of a team

Research Fellow – Observational Radio Astronomy

  • Amazing opportunity for a passionate and driven researcher to join a rapidly growing research institute in Australia and contribute to the scientific exploitation of Square Kilometre Array precursor telescopes
  • Full time, fixed term 3 year appointment
  • Salary range: Level B: $102,983 to $121,864 p.a. plus employer contributed superannuation of 17%

We are looking for a highly motivated and suitably qualified candidate to join the science team at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). You will work on aspects of observational radio astronomy which have strong connections with ongoing research activity at ICRAR which includes, but is not limited to, ASKAP neutral hydrogen surveys (namely WALLABY, DINGO, FLASH and GASKAP), radio continuum and polarisation surveys with ASKAP (namely, POSSUM and EMU) and MWA, and studies with other SKA pathfinder telescopes. The aim of the research will be to contribute to the understanding of the formation, evolution and interactions of galaxies, and the role of environment in their ongoing evolution.

Depending on your research interests, your research will either be self-driven, or will be team-driven. In either case, you will be expected to interact with other ICRAR national and international researchers who are experts in radio astronomy, multiwavelength and theoretical studies.
To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in a field relevant to radio astronomy
  • Experience in extragalactic or Galactic radio astronomy, attested by a good publication record
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team
  • Experience in the analysis of radio astronomy data
  • Experience with computer programming/scripting (e.g. python)
  • Experience with supercomputing environments would be an advantage

Senior Research Fellow – Observational Radio Astronomy

  • Amazing opportunity for a passionate and driven researcher to join a rapidly growing research institute in Australia and contribute to the scientific exploitation of Square Kilometre Array precursor telescopes
  • Full time, fixed term for three years with the potential to transition to an ongoing appointment
  • Salary range: Level C: $125,639 to $144,523 p.a. plus employer contributed superannuation of 17%

We are looking for a highly motivated and suitably qualified candidate to join the science team at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). The successful candidate will work on aspects of observational radio astronomy which have strong connections with ongoing research activity at ICRAR which includes, but is not limited to, ASKAP neutral hydrogen surveys (namely WALLABY, DINGO, FLASH and GASKAP), radio continuum and polarisation surveys with ASKAP (namely, POSSUM and EMU) and MWA, and studies with other SKA pathfinder telescopes. The aim of the research will be to contribute to the understanding of the formation, evolution and interactions of galaxies, and the role of environment in their ongoing evolution. The appointee will work within the relevant science team, and will be expected to interact with other ICRAR national and international researchers who are experts in multiwavelength and theoretical studies.

You will have access to a wide range of observational facilities (including ASKAP and other ATNF facilities, MWA, the AAT, and ESO), as well as to the Pawsey supercomputing centre.

The appointment is fixed term for three years with the potential to transition to an ongoing appointment. Since there may be teaching duties associated with the latter, professional teaching development will be provided.

Research Engineer

  • Full-time, fixed term appointment for 6 months
  • Salary range: Level 6; $83,005 – $87,723 p.a. plus 9.5% superannuation (increasing to 17% from July 2021)

As the appointee you will under limited direction help design, build, and test an optical fibre-based frequency distribution system tailored to meet the scientific needs and logistical challenges of the SKA; as well as develop this technology for application to other high-precision use-cases across space science and astronomy research fields. You will work in the Astrophotonics group at ICRAR and collaborate with the SKA Office and other partner organisations. This hardware development and production role includes office-based design tasks as well as laboratory-based prototyping and testing. The resultant hardware will be mass manufactured and deployed on the SKA-Mid telescope.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification or demonstrated equivalent competency
  • Substantial relevant experience in electronic engineering including low noise analogue electronic design, RF & microwave electronics design and construction (PCB based), Microprocessor / digital system design and programming, EDA software proficiency, ideally Altium Designer, PCB manufacture, assembly, testing, and quality assurance and Hand soldering skills including SMT components
  • Ability to plan and perform electronics testing in a laboratory environment
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent organisational skills and demonstrated ability to set priorities and meet deadlines
  • Ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team
  • Experience with optical fibre technology is desirable

Research Associates – MAGPI Theory and Observational

  • Two postdoctoral research intensive opportunities
  • Both positions on a fixed term 2 year appointment with possibility of extension depending on performance and funding
  • Salary range: Level A step 8 $97,946 p.a. plus 17% superannuation
  • This position requires immediate start between October 2021 – early 2022 (short delays may be negotiable)

You will work as part of the MUSE large program MAGPI survey team. The positions will focus on the connection of galaxy evolution and dark matter from a resolved perspective as part of the Australian Research Council Discovery Project “Beacons in the Night: unveiling how galaxies light up dark matter”, led by Chief Investigator Claudia Lagos and co-investigators Aaron Robotham, Aaron Ludlow, Trevor Mendel, Caroline Foster, Joop Schaye and Richard Bower.

ICRAR currently have opportunity for two postdoctoral research positions with preference given to fill one position working in theory/simulations and the other in IFU observations.

For the theory/simulations position, you will have privileged access to upcoming simulations to research topics related to the Middle Ages Galaxy Properties with Integral Field Spectroscopy (MAGPI) survey.

For the observational position, you will be using the MAGPI MUSE data and will be expected to contribute to its processing and exploitation.

Both positions will be expected to work closely together to link theory and observations, and will be supervised by the project Chief Investigator, Dr Claudia Lagos and will work closely with this Discovery Project team.

To be considered for these roles, you will have:

  • PhD in a field relevant to extragalactic astronomy
  • Experience in extragalactic astronomy (i.e. galaxy evolution) research, attested by a good publication record commensurate to opportunity
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team
  • The ability to interact and collaborate with researchers and work reliability and effectively in distributed scientific collaborations

Executive Director, International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research

  • Rare opportunity to lead internationally renowned, multi-disciplinary research centre for science, engineering and data intensive astronomy
  • Based in the stunning city of Perth, Western Australia

As the Executive Director, your primary role will be one of research leadership and you will be expected to take a leading part in developing a strategy to ensure the Centre’s innovative research portfolio continues to be driven by excellence, impact and engagement. This will involve influencing strategic decision-making processes of existing and prospective partners with interests in SKA related research, including the ICRAR Board, Ministers and Departments of the Federal and the WA State Government, CSIRO, Australian industry, your Executive Team and the wider ICRAR community of research and professional staff.

Software Research Engineer (Data Intensive Astronomy)

  • Full-time, fixed term appointment for 2 years
  • Salary range: Level 6 or 7: $83,005.00 – $100,814.00 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

The Software Research Engineer will work within the Data Intensive Astronomy group to develop the existing prototype data reduction workflow for the radio-astronomy survey DINGO (www.dingo-survey.org) into an operational system, capable of dealing with the massive datasets collected by the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder. This work will involve the development and optimization of complex algorithms and will make use of next-generation Pawsey supercomputing resources.

The project is embedded within an established collaboration with Pawsey and the Australian SKA Regional Centre as part of the Pawsey Centre for Extreme Scale Readiness (PaCER) program, and the DINGO software system will be required to interface with those systems. The role will include participation in the development and implementation of the needed interfaces.

Research Associate

  • $72,655 – $98,028 (ALA) plus 17% superannuation
  • 3 year, fixed-term full-time
  • Research position

Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) is seeking a Research Associate to join the Pulsars and Fast Transients research group. The role will involve further development of the high-time resolution science capabilities of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), and exploiting them for sensitive searches for fast radio bursts (FRBs) and pulsars at low radio frequencies.

Software Team Lead

  • 3 years fixed term
  • $103,813 – $110,631 (G08) plus 17% superannuation

In this role you will support, represent and lead CIRA’s growing Software Team. You will coordinate the Software Team’s contributions across a variety of projects and initiatives, ensuring that software is appropriately considered and supported in the planning and management of CIRA’s activities. You will lead the design and implementation of workflows and systems that help the Team efficiently track, manage and report their activities. You will also be a strong contributor to the Team, augmenting their skills and experience with your own, to enhance CIRA’s capability to meet its development and operational objectives in the software and data domains.

Manager – Translation and Impact

  • $103,813 – 110,632 plus 17% superannuation
  • 2 year, fixed term contract – full time
  • Possibility of extension subject to performance and ongoing funding

ICRAR has a strong track record in research translation and impact and are committed to engaging with partners to share our skills, knowledge, and expertise for mutual benefit. By collaborating across disciplines and industry sectors, we can help boost capability, develop new products, grow businesses, and create jobs.

Your role is to build on our reputation for effective engagement and collaboration. You will work with the Translation and Impact Project Lead to identify, develop, and manage opportunities for engaging with industry, government, non-government organisations and communities to help us conquer our challenges; and for us to apply our capabilities to help them conquer theirs.

Your role will involve:

  • Developing a thorough appreciation of the capabilities and underlying skill sets of the CIRA Team (including science, data intensive science, engineering, and technology), and matching them to opportunities for collaboration and impact outside of radio astronomy.
  • Understanding the general and specific challenges CIRA faces—in the radio astronomy, instrumentation, and operational domains—and engaging industry to help us overcome them.
  • Identifying and leveraging opportunities to secure funding to support ICRAR’s Translation and Impact objectives.
  • High level engagement with a variety of internal and external stakeholders, including government, funding agencies, industry, ICRAR, Curtin, and other universities.

Software Research Engineer (Data Intensive Astronomy)

  • Full-time, fixed term appointment for 2 years
  • Salary range: Level 6 or 7: $83,005.00 – $100,814.00 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

The Software Research Engineer will work within the Data Intensive Astronomy group to develop the existing prototype data reduction workflow for the radio-astronomy survey DINGO into an operational system, capable of dealing with the massive datasets collected by the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder. This work will involve the development and optimization of complex algorithms and will make use of next-generation Pawsey supercomputing resources.

The project is embedded within an established collaboration with Pawsey and the Australian SKA Regional Centre as part of the Pawsey Centre for Extreme Scale Readiness (PaCER) program, and the DINGO software system will be required to interface with those systems. The role will include participation in the development and implementation of the needed interfaces.

Your role will involve:

  • Liaise with the stakeholders to further develop the requirements.
  • Develop software solutions as required by the DINGO survey operations.
  • Actively collaborate with, and contribute to, the Australian SKA Regional Centre and Pawsey Centre as part of the approved PaCER project
  • Present results at relevant meetings or as elsewhere needed
  • Comply with, maintain an awareness of and help promote all UWA policies and procedures and in particular those relating to work health and safety and equal opportunity
  • Perform other duties as requested, consistent with the classification level of the position.

Software Research Engineer

  • Full-time appointment on a fixed term basis for 2 years
  • 2 positions
  • Level 6: Base salary range: $83,005 – $ $87,723 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

As the appointee you will, under general direction, work within the DIA program of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research. You will participate in the software development as part of the construction of the Square Kilometre Array project (SKA). You will also contribute to a range of other projects, both directly supporting and working with scientists, but also working with industry.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant degree qualifications in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Physics or Mathematics, or demonstrated equivalent competency
  • Substantial experience in the development of Python and/or C/C++ applications adhering to high standards, including testing, code style compliance and documentation
  • Substantial experience in optimizing code performance
  • Knowledge of the agile software development paradigm
  • Experience with the usage of high-performance computing (HPC) systems would be an asset

Research Associate/Research Fellow

  • $91,431 – $122,133 plus 17% superannuation
  • 3-year fixed term contract, full time
  • Flexible working arrangements

You will work with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Imaging Surveys Research Group to deliver a large low-frequency wideband sky survey and produce high-impact science using the resulting images and catalogues. The project requires a good knowledge of supercomputing and demonstrated capability in processing large datasets. You will work with ICRAR-Curtin science staff and members of the MWA collaboration.

Lecturer/Associate Lecturer

  • 3-year fixed term contract, full time
  • $91,431 – $122,133 plus 17% superannuation
  • Flexible working arrangements

As a lecturer, you will be involved in our research program in the field of radio astronomy all-sky measurements and modelling, working within the Engineering Research group led by Prof David Davidson and working closely with the Astronomical Instrumentation and Epoch of Reionisation science teams. Recently, two SKA-LOW prototypes have been deployed to the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory: The Engineering Development Array Version 2.0, and the Aperture Array Verification System Version 2.0. Each comprises 256 low frequency dipole-like elements, working largely in the VHF frequency band.

Outreach and Education Coordinator

  • Rare opportunity to join a team of high-achieving science communication professionals
  • Level 7, full-time appointment on a 2-year fixed term basis with the possibility of extension
  • Base salary range: $ 92,679 – $102,830 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

About the opportunity
Reporting to the Strategic Engagement Manager, you will coordinate the Centre’s connection to external and internal stakeholders through innovative and high-profile public events such as Perth Astrofest, design and implement effective educational programs, and maintain ICRAR’s high visibility at events and conferences.

About you
To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate a relevant tertiary qualification and substantial relevant experience in the design and delivery of STEM themed outreach and education programs. You will also demonstrate enthusiasm for science, science communication, education, and astronomy along with an ability to provide effective leadership, motivation and direction to peers and small teams of staff, and work collaboratively with staff from other sections with competing interests.

Manager (Strategic Engagement and Communications)

  • Rare opportunity to lead a team of high-achieving science communication professionals
  • Level 9, full-time appointment on a 2-year fixed term basis with the possibility of extension
  • Base salary range: $119,390 – $126,335 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

About the opportunity
Reporting to the Director (Translation and Impact and COO), you will manage ICRAR’s strategic communications activities, including media releases, and oversee a team of Coordinators delivering the Centre’s public outreach and educational initiatives. You will focus on projects that positively impact disadvantaged communities and groups underrepresented in STEM and in tertiary education.

You will also actively promote ICRAR’s Science, Engineering, Data Intensive Astronomy and Translation and Impact Programs as well as ICRAR’s broad involvement with the SKA project. In addition, you will support the establishment of new partnerships and the Centre’s engagement of key stakeholders.

About you
To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate relevant postgraduate qualifications in science, science communication, education, journalism, media or communications and extensive experience in strategic communications, corporate communications, or public relations, with demonstrated experience working with industry.

You will also demonstrate the ability to lead and manage teams and projects, substantial strategic financial and budget management experience with a demonstrated ability to develop, manage and allocate resources. Those with experience and knowledge of astronomy are encouraged to apply.

Senior Research Fellow – Data Science

  • Lead research projects and learn new skills in a dynamic and supportive team environment
  • 2-year fixed-term full time opportunity- flexible working arrangements are supported such as part time work or school hours
  • Base salary range: Level C $128,152 – $147,413 p.a. (pro rata) plus 17% superannuation

As a Senior Research Fellow you will use your skills and experience in advanced data science technologies to contribute to the DIA program of the ICRAR.

You will lead and initiate cutting edge data science research projects that draw on your data science expertise. You will also be uniquely placed to contribute to a range of other projects within SKA, both directly supporting and working with ICRAR scientists, but also working with cross-disciplinary teams within UWA and with industry. This is an exciting opportunity to develop new projects, expand your research repertoire and learn new skills.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in a scientific field, computer science or software engineering.
  • Demonstrated ability in the creation of custom-built vision and/or time-sequence models and assess and present their quality using frameworks and toolkits like pytorch, tensorflow, mxnet, scipy and matplotlib or similar
  • Experience or expertise in statistical data analysis and programming
  • Ability to identify and publish new and interesting research opportunities and publish them
  • Excellent team player with the ability to collaborate with diverse groups

Senior Research Engineer (SKA)

  • Support the design, build, and testing of an optical fibre-based frequency distribution system
  • Level 7, full-time appointment on a 2-year fixed term basis
  • Base salary range: $92,679 – $102,830 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

Reporting to the Senior Research Fellow, you will provide support in the design, build, and test an optical fibre-based frequency distribution system tailored to meet the scientific needs and logistical challenges of the SKA; as well as develop this technology for application to other high-precision use-cases across space science and astronomy research fields. You will work in the Astrophotonics group at ICRAR and collaborate with the SKA Office and other partner organisations. This hardware development and production role includes office-based design tasks as well as laboratory-based prototyping and testing. The resultant hardware will be mass manufactured and deployed on the SKA-Mid telescope.


Research Fellow – Data Science

  • Lead research projects and learn new skills in a dynamic and supportive team environment
  • 2-year fixed-term full time opportunity- flexible working arrangements are supported such as part time work or school hours
  • Base salary range: Level B $105,043 – $124,301 p.a. (pro rata) plus 17% superannuation

As a Research Fellow you will use your skills and experience in advanced data science technologies to contribute to the DIA program of the ICRAR. You will lead and initiate cutting edge data science research projects that draw on your data science expertise.

You will also be uniquely placed to contribute to a range of other projects within SKA, both directly supporting and working with ICRAR scientists, but also working with cross-disciplinary teams within UWA and with industry. This is an exciting opportunity to develop new projects, expand your research repertoire and learn new skills.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in a scientific field, computer science or software engineering.
  • Demonstrated ability in the creation of custom-built models for computer vision and/or time-series/sequence datasets using at least one of the popular Deep Learning frameworks
  • Ability to assess, present and visualise model quality and properties using standard Python data science toolkits
  • Expertise in statistical data analysis and programming
  • Excellent team player with the ability to collaborate with diverse groups
  • Previous experience teaching or supervising Masters of PhD students

Coordinator (Digital content)

  • Exciting opportunity to innovatively develop and deliver ICRAR’s online presence across multiple websites and social media platforms
  • Level 7, full-time/part-time appointment on a fixed term basis until end of June 2024, with a possibility of extension depending on funding and performance
  • Base salary range: $92,679 – $102,830 p.a. (pro rata) plus 17% superannuation

As the appointee you will, under broad direction coordinate the Centre to external audiences and university-based stakeholders through an innovative online presence and the creation of engaging digital content.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification or demonstrated equivalent competency
  • Substantial relevant experience in web design, science communication and project management
  • Knowledge and experience in social networking and digital content strategies in an online environment
  • High level interpersonal and communication skills and ability to negotiate with a diverse range of stakeholders to identify needs and deliver outcomes
  • Ability to work collaboratively with staff from other section with competing interests

Coordinator (SPIRIT)

  • A great opportunity to work with ICRAR’s SPIRIT program, utilising state of the art, web-enabled robotic telescopes in education
  • Level 7, part-time (0.8FTE) appointment on a fixed term basis until end of June 2024, with a possibility of extension dependent upon performance
  • Base salary range: $92,679 – $102,830 p.a. (pro rata) plus 17% superannuation

As the appointee you will be responsible for maintaining and delivering the SPIRIT educational program to Schools, enabling students to experience astronomy through the use of the SPIRIT web enabled telescopes.
You will liaise and network with teachers in Western Australian schools to develop and create new opportunities for educational use of the SPIRIT telescopes.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification in Science Education or demonstrated equivalent competency
  • Ability to build, maintain and maximise outcomes from collaborative relationships
  • Ability to work independently, problem solve and work creatively and productively as part of a team
  • Excellent planning and organisational skills with the ability to develop, deliver and coordinate programs and activities unsupervised

Senior Research Engineer (SKA)

The Astrophotonics Group at ICRAR is focused on designing, building, and testing advanced photonic systems with applications in radio astronomy, optical astronomy, and space science. The group combines research expertise from people with a broad range of backgrounds including astronomy, physics and engineering. The group’s core technological capability is the long-distance transfer of stabilised optical-frequency signals, and microwave-frequency signals, and timing signals, transmitted across optical fibre networks and free-space laser links.

As Senior Research Engineer you will, under general direction, provide support in the design, build, and test an optical fibre-based frequency distribution system tailored to meet the scientific needs and logistical challenges of the SKA; as well as develop this technology for application to other high-precision use-cases across space science and astronomy research fields. You will work in the Astrophotonics group at ICRAR and collaborate with the SKA Office and other partner organisations. This hardware development and production role includes office-based design tasks as well as laboratory-based prototyping and testing. The resultant hardware will be mass manufactured and deployed on the SKA-Mid telescope.

About you 

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification or demonstrated equivalent competency
  • Extensive experience in electronic engineering including low noise analogue electronic design, RF & microwave electronics design and Microprocessor / FPGA / digital system design and programming
  • Substantial experience with EDA software, ideally Altium Designer
  • Substantial experience with PCB technology, including materials, manufacture, assembly, testing, and quality assurance processes
  • Substantial experience with prototyping and hand soldering including SMT components
  • Experience with PLL design and optimisation
  • Demonstrated ability to plan and perform electronics testing in a laboratory environment
  • Experience with optical fibre technology is desirable


Communications Systems Lead, TeraNet Project

The Astrophotonics Group at ICRAR is focused on designing, building, and testing advanced photonic systems with applications in radio astronomy, optical astronomy, and space science. The group combines research expertise from people with a broad range of backgrounds including astronomy, physics, and engineering. The group’s core technological capability is the long-distance transfer of stabilised optical-frequency signals, microwave-frequency signals, timing signals and communications signals, transmitted across optical fibre networks and free-space laser links.

Your work will contribute to the $6.3M ‘TeraNet’ project, which aims to establish a three-node optical communications ground station network in Australia. This network will support multiple international space missions operating between low-earth orbit and the Moon, using both conventional optical communications standards (O3K), as well as more advanced optical technologies including deep-space (HPE) communication, ultra-high-speed coherent communications (n-QAM), quantum-secured communications, and optical positioning and timing. The TeraNet network comprises a 0.7m ground station optimised for research and development at UWA, a second 0.7m ground station to be located at the Mingenew Space Precinct (300km North of Perth), and a 0.4m mobile ground station to be commissioned at ESA’s New Norcia facility.

We support flexible work arrangements to allow people to align their work duties with their family’s requirements and personal wellbeing. TeraNet is a project with global reach, so we do have to attend meetings after hours and there will be the occasional field deployments, and national and international travel.

About the opportunity

As the appointee you will, under broad direction, work with the project leadership team to deliver on the objectives and outcomes of the TeraNet project. Specifically, you will be responsible for the communications systems to be used by the TeraNet ground station network.

About you 

Deliver the Communications Systems Design Study in coordination with the rest of the project personnel and Project Collaborators, to arrive at an optimal design that maximises the compatibility of the system with current and future in-space optical payloads, while keeping within the project budget.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification or demonstrated equivalent competency
  • Substantial experience in communications systems, preferably a combination of:
    • deployment of free-space optical communications systems,
    • optical networking, including industry standard interfaces, and
    • digital communications appropriate for satellite communications, including industry standard formats
  • Familiarity with different physical layer modulation schemes (such as OOK, DPSK, QPSK, HPE) and detection schemes (e.g. direct detection, intradyne, heterodyne)
  • Familiarity with link reliability techniques including forward error correction and interleaving, and retransmission protocols such as automatic repeat request

Desirable capabilities:

  • Experience leading a technical team
  • Familiarity with atmospheric optical channel characteristics and challenges associated with communication between ground and space at optical wavelengths,
  • experience with the analysis, modelling, and simulation of end-to-end link performance, including optical channel characteristics, interference, non-linear device characteristics, intermodulation, and bit error rate on the achievable channel performance.
  • Experience with high-power optical systems and the safe use of such systems, and
  • Experience with spatial beam control and adaptive optics

Research Fellow (Communications Systems)

The Astrophotonics Group at ICRAR is focused on designing, building, and testing advanced photonic systems with applications in radio astronomy, optical astronomy, and space science. The group combines research expertise from people with a broad range of backgrounds including astronomy, physics, and engineering. The group’s core technological capability is the long-distance transfer of stabilised optical-frequency signals, microwave-frequency signals, timing signals and communications signals, transmitted across optical fibre networks and free-space laser links.

Your work will contribute to the $6.3M ‘TeraNet’ project, which aims to establish a three-node optical communications ground station network in Australia. This network will support multiple international space missions operating between low-earth orbit and the Moon, using both conventional optical communications standards (O3K), as well as more advanced optical technologies including deep-space (HPE) communication, ultra-high-speed coherent communications (n-QAM), quantum-secured communications, and optical positioning and timing. The TeraNet network comprises a 0.7m ground station optimised for research and development at UWA, a second 0.7m ground station to be located at the Mingenew Space Precinct (300km North of Perth), and a 0.4m mobile ground station to be commissioned at ESA’s New Norcia facility.

We support flexible work arrangements to allow people to align their work duties with their family’s requirements and personal wellbeing. TeraNet is a project with global reach, so we do have to attend meetings after hours and there will be the occasional field deployments, and national and international travel.

About the opportunity

As the appointee you will, under broad direction, undertake independent research on the communications systems to be used by the TeraNet ground station network. You will be will be expected work with the project team to target this research towards the objectives and outcomes of the TeraNet project.

About you 

You will conduct applied research on communications systems for the TeraNet project to arrive at an optimal design that maximises the compatibility of the system with current and future in-space optical payloads in coordination with the rest of the project personnel and Project Collaborators.

To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:

  • PhD in an academic field relevant to the discipline or other higher professional qualifications appropriate to their discipline
  • Substantial research experience in communications systems, as evidenced by a series of peer-reviewed journal articles published in high quality journals. The experience should preferably a combination of:
    • deployment of free-space optical communications systems,
    • optical networking, including industry standard interfaces, and
    • digital communications appropriate for satellite communications, including industry standard formats
  • Familiarity with different physical layer modulation schemes (such as OOK, DPSK, QPSK, HPE) and detection schemes (e.g. direct detection, intradyne, heterodyne)
  • Familiarity with link reliability techniques including forward error correction and interleaving, and retransmission protocols such as automatic repeat request
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent organisational skills with the demonstrated ability to set priorities and meet deadlines
  • The ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team

Desirable capabilities:

  • experience leading a research team and supervision of HDR student
  • familiarity with atmospheric optical channel characteristics and challenges associated with communication between ground and space at optical wavelengths,
  • experience with the analysis, modelling, and simulation of end-to-end link performance, including optical channel characteristics, interference, non-linear device characteristics, intermodulation, and bit error rate on the achievable channel performance.
  • experience with high-power optical systems and the safe use of such systems, and
  • experience with spatial beam control and adaptive optics

Executive Assistant

  • Great opportunity to be part of and contribute to an internationally renowned research centre
  • Level 6, part-time (0.8FTE) appointment on a fixed term basis until the end of June 2024
  • Base salary range: $87,460 – $92,430 p.a. (pro-rata) plus 17% superannuation

About the opportunity

You will provide high-level executive and administrative support to the Executive Director. You will take part in the establishment and maintenance of efficient office systems and procedures. You will use expertise to recommend and implement new office policies and procedures as required. This position will also provide administrative and secretarial support to the executive team on a needs basis.

About you 

To be considered for this opportunity, you will demonstrate:

  • Relevant tertiary qualification or equivalent competency
  • Substantial relevant administrative experience at an appropriate level including experience as a Executive Assistant
  • Highly developed organisational skills and demonstrated ability to meet deadlines
  • Ability to work independently, show initiative and work productively as part of a team
  • Highly developed written and verbal communication skills including report writing skills
  • Experience working in a University environment or similar large organisation
  • Knowledge of University systems, policies, procedures and structures
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality at all times
  • Advanced MS Office skills, Minute Taking, Events Organisation and IT/AV knowledge would be an advantage

About your application

Full details of the position’s responsibilities and the selection criteria are outlined in the position description: Download File PD – Executive Assistant 515574.pdf

The content of your Resume and Cover Letter should demonstrate how you meet the selection criteria.

You may also submit an additional statement (1 page max) outlining any personal circumstances which should be considered when assessing your application. Applicants who have experienced periods of academic/professional interruption or other relevant events can include a description of achievements relative to opportunity in this statement.

Closing date: 11:55 PM AWST on Tuesday, 17 October 2023

To learn more about this opportunity, please contact Tracey O’Keefe at tracey.okeefe@uwa.edu.au

This position is only open to applicants with relevant rights to work in Australia.