Studentship Projects 2023
- Computer simulations of globular cluster formation in the early Galaxy
- Stormy weather in the Universe’s suburbs: understanding the radio emission of galaxy groups
- Seeing How Stars Blow Bubbles
- The curious case of the passive spiral galaxy
- Automatic Quality Control of Images from an Internet Accessible Telescope
- Relativistic spin precession in an eccentric neutron star-white dwarf binary
- Using Large Language Models to interface to Virtual Observatories
- Economic and Public Policy Implications of Large Science Projects like the SKA to Government
- Investigating correlations between the high time resolution properties of Fast Radio Bursts and their host galaxies
- Galaxies, galaxies everywhere: streamlining the discovery of brand new galaxies
- Fast, faster, fastest: fast radio bursts seen at nanosecond resolution
- Life is more fun with friends: searching for nearby neighbours of fast radio burst host galaxies
- Real-time searches for Fast Radio Bursts with the Murchison Widefield Array
- All-sky search for low-frequency FRBs using SKA-Low prototype stations
- Understanding slowly-repeating transient radio sources