ICRAR student scores top prize from Astronomical Society of Australia
May 29, 2015The ASA is awarding ICRAR alumna Dr Morag Scrimgeour the 2015 Charlene Heisler Prize in recognition of her outstanding PhD thesis.
Galaxy’s snacking habits revealed
May 21, 2015A team of Australian and Spanish astronomers have caught a greedy galaxy gobbling on its neighbours and leaving crumbs of evidence about its dietary past.
Astronomy community affected in Nepal
May 15, 2015Our thoughts and best wishes go out to everyone in Nepal affected by the recent devastation.
World’s largest radio telescope has a permanent home for its headquarters
May 1, 2015The Members of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Organisation decided that negotiations should start with the UK government to locate the permanent headquarters of the SKA project at the University of Manchester’s Jodrell Bank site.
Seeing stars through the Cloud
April 29, 2015SKA and Amazon Web Services have teamed up to offer an AstroCompute in the Cloud grant.
Radio Astronomy key priority area in WA State Government science plan
April 21, 2015The WA Government has released a new ‘Science Statement for Western Australia’ identifying five key priority areas for the State, including radio astronomy.