12–16 July 2021
Building 210
Curtin University
Bentley, WA 6012
Beth Cloake (CSIRO)
George Heald (CSIRO)
Natasha Hurley-Walker (ICRAR-Curtin)
Clancy James (ICRAR-Curtin)
Adam Stevens (ICRAR-UWA)
Event Details
Each day runs from 9 am – 3:30 pm AWST. Please aim to arrive before 8:50 am, especially if you are unfamiliar with the Curtin University campus, and especially on the Monday for any hub-specific announcements.
Each day will be composed of three 1.5-hour talk sessions, a 1-hour catered morning tea break (10:30–11:30 am), and 1-hour catered lunch break (1–2 pm).
Plates, cups etc. for food and beverages will be available, but are likely to be disposable. In the interest of reducing waste, if you’re able to bring your own reusable mug/container for beverages/food, that’d be appreciated.
The Elizabeth Jolley lecture theatre will function as the “main room”, i.e. that used for the plenary sessions, chapter meetings, and parallel session I. Note that chapter meetings are during the morning tea break in Perth. This has more than enough capacity to fit everyone, even under post-lockdown COVID restrictions.
The Norman Dufty lecture theatre will be function as the “secondary room”, i.e. that used for parallel session II.
A third room nearer the main entrance of the building (room 104) will have the digital posters/videos running. Note this room has a capacity of 35 people.
During lunch sessions, there will be the opportunity to join break-out sessions through Glimpse. If you wish to partake in this, we recommend having your own laptop and headset.
Food will be served in the foyer outside the adjacent lecture theatres. The cost is covered for all hub registrants.
All talks given at the hub will be through a central Windows machine (one in each theatre). These need to be uploaded in advance (at least the night before) through this Dropbox link and be in a translatable format, ideally PDF. Google slides or PPTX documents will also work, noting that PowerPoint 2019 (for Windows) is the version installed on the machines. Beware that formatting of slides can change when opened with a different version of PowerPoint to that used to make the slides, which is why we recommend a PDF instead. Unfortunately, Keynote is not supported.
Please BYO name tag and keep cup!
The Mallokup cafe immediately outside Building 210 is open 8 am – 2 pm for those keen on barista coffee, but note that filter coffee and tea will be provided as part of catering.
Please remember to sign in with the SafeWA app using the QR code onsite. No other specific COVID restrictions will be in place; current restrictions are due to end before the meeting starts.
For further information regarding the schedule and registration, please see the official webpage for the 2021 ASA science meeting.
Please join the conference Slack to stay part of the conversation with all the hubs. Relevant announcements about the Perth hub will also be made on the appropriate channel there. All questions for conference speakers are to be posted through Slack; the session chair will monitor this and choose from amongst those questions to ask the speaker at the end of their talk. Remaining questions should be addressed by the speaker on Slack later.
If coming by public transport, the Transperth app is recommended for finding the best route. Frequent bus routes such as the 960, 998, and 999 all stop at Curtin University. Walking time from the Curtin University Bus Station to Building 210 is about 5 minutes. From the Curtin Central Bus Station (note, this is a different stop!), it’s closer to a 15-minute walk.
For those driving, the Pi1 Yellow Parking area on campus is the nearest place to park. Both Curtin staff and visitors may park here. Payment is made through the CellOPark system: see here for further details. We recommend registering for this in advance.
Bikes can be parked right outside Building 210 on the west side (left of the entrance; see second map image below), but please feel free to use any on-campus bicycle parks where available and bring an appropriate lock. Note that the nearest parks are uncovered and unprotected. If you would like to access a proper bicycle pod, please contact Natasha Hurley-Walker.
ICRAR-UWA attendees are advised that Ubers/taxis from UWA can be charged as a work expense. Pooling is highly encouraged!
social events
TBD. Any social events will be self-funded.
Venue map
Please see this link for a Curtin campus map with Building 210 preselected. See below screenshots for quick reference.
Hub sponsors