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  • type (all post types by default), values may include “post”, “events”, “post,events” etc.
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Astrofest news

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Accordion title

Test accordion content with new styling.

Accordion title

Test accordion content with new styling.


ICRAR has a strong track record in research translation and impact and is committed to engaging with partners to share our skills, knowledge and expertise for mutual benefit.

Our researchers engage with industry, government, non-government organisations, communities and community organisations to translate our research beyond academia to benefit society.

ICRAR actively seeks collaborative opportunities to leverage emerging capabilities from other domains, and to apply our skills, knowledge and tools outside of radio astronomy.

By collaborating across disciplines and industry sectors, we can help boost capability, develop new products, grow businesses and create jobs.

Members of the Data Intensive Astronomy team at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. Credit: ICRAR.

We engage with stakeholders and end-users through a range of mechanisms, including:

  • Partnerships with industry
  • Collaborative grant applications
  • High-quality training
  • Provision of specialist services
  • Establishment of networks and collaborations
  • School programs
  • Community events

ICRAR’s astrophotonics group at UWA is one of the leading groups around the world in developing technology around optical communications.

ICRAR aims to impact Western Australia’s economy, society, environment and culture, beyond our contribution to academia.

Our research in data intensive computing, engineering and technology supports core outcomes for the state in radio astronomy and the SKA.

Members of the Engineering team. Credit: ICRAR.

ICRAR’s impact also extends to a diverse range of areas beyond astronomy, including:

  • Signal and data transport
  • Robotics
  • Applied machine learning
  • Data management and processing
  • Passive radar
  • Satellite deployment
  • STEM education
  • Honey signatures
  • Marine forecasting

Translation and Impact for Industry

ICRAR’s big data experts and UWA Oceans Institute oceanographers have joined forces to improve wave forecasts off the WA coast. The project has already boosted weather predictions at Barrow Island, and could one day lead to more accurate forecasts for surfers, recreational boaters and industry.