The Features of the Universe micro-credential is focused on up-skilling secondary teachers presenting astronomy in the curriculum.
This micro-credential will take teachers on a journey through the cosmos starting from how and why seasons occur on Earth, all the way to how stars and galaxies form and evolve and how it all started with the Big Bang. It will also look at science as a human endeavor discussing the idea that science is done by humans, is constantly being added to by others, touching upon common misconceptions in astronomy and how to address them. The culmination of this unit will be for teachers to learn how to use the SPIRIT robotic 1 metre optical telescope (managed by the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research) and go through all the steps of observational astronomy, from planning of observations to interpreting the data to better understand the Universe we live in.
Key topics include:
- Modelling the relative movements of the Earth, Sun and Moon and how natural phenomena such as seasons, solar and lunar eclipses and phases of the moon occur
- Historical development of models of the Solar System
- The structure of the Sun
- The life cycles of stars
- The evolution of galaxies
- The theory of the Big Bang and the expansion of the Universe
- Basic concepts of optical astronomy and how to use a robotic telescope.
The unit runs for 9 weeks, and costs $400. Discounts will apply based on school ICSEA.
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact one of the unit coordinators:
Dr Luke Davies at
Tim Young at
Leah Kalimeris at
Professor Luca Cortese at
To apply for the micro-credential course please visit the course site.