Kate Holmes is the Communications and Events Officer for the Australian SKA Regional Centre. She grew up in Mingenew, Western Australia, right next to the NASA Yarragadee Geodetic Observatory, and her obsession with space has stuck ever since.
A “jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one“, Kate has worked as a health professional, science communicator and commander of the humble organisational spreadsheet. She was previously the Administrative Officer for the AusSRC from 2021 to 2023.
Kate presented her Masters research project, “Skills Assessment and Outcomes in a Virtual Patient Placement” at the Speech Pathology Australia National Conference, Perth 2016.
Kate can be found coding, writing for Scitech’s science news website Particle WA, sewing, cycling and travelling back to the family farm as much as possible. She still wants to be Ms Frizzle and Simone Giertz when she grows up.
ICRAR Statement
The content of this page is maintained by Kate Holmes, please contact them with any questions or comments on this content.