ICRAR is looking for talented, hard-working and motivated students to work on our postgraduate research projects.
Opportunities are available for study at both of ICRAR’s joint venture partners, Curtin University and The University of Western Australia. Specific research projects are available across many areas of astronomy (both theoretical and observational), astronomy engineering and high performance computing.
For further details on an individual project, please feel free to contact the potential supervisor. If you’re considering a PhD with ICRAR then please feel free to get in touch and find out more by emailing study-icrar@uwa.edu.au. If you have a chance to visit us in beautiful Perth and see what it’s like to be part of our thriving research community, we would love to host you.
Below we list the projects on offer, organised by research area.
Project Filters
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Projects by Research Area
- Accretion Physics and Slow Transients
Astronomical Instrumentation
- Advances in antenna array theory
- The Development of a Dedicated Low-Frequency Passive Radar Array for Space Domain Awareness
- Protecting semiconductor devices and systems from high power microwave radiation effects
- Metamaterials for radio astronomy engineering
- Suppression of Instrumental Noise Coupling in Closely-Spaced Interferometer for Cosmology
- Automatic detection and classification of transients from SKA-Low stations
- Astrophotonics
Cosmological Theory
- The formation of individual objects: The Milky-Way, Magellanic Systems and globular clusters
- Large volume simulations of the large scale structure and galaxy formation
- Galaxy formation in state-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
- Astrophysical tests of cosmic dark matter
- Environmental effects on galaxy evolution at multi-wavelengths
- Simulating the Magellanic systems for 4MOST
- The Origin of Nuclear Star Clusters and their Co-evolution with Super-Massive Black Holes
- A new multi-scale simulation of globular cluster formation with multiple stellar populations
Data Intensive Astronomy Projects
- Keeping pace with the torrent in data intensive astronomy
- Quantitative Study of the Impact of Advanced Lossy Compression Techniques on Radio Astronomy Science Results
- Machine Learning Detection of Gravitational Waves
- Searching for HI emission with the SKA using Cloud Computing methods
- Prediction of Observing Conditions at Radio Frequencies
- Space filling curve based optimization for multi-D data distribution
- Epoch of Reionization
Extragalactic Radio Science
- Monster Black Holes at the Dawn of Cosmic Time
- Determining the Accretion/Jet Connection in Super-massive Black Holes
- The Life and Times of High-redshift Radio Galaxies
- GLEAM-X: Exploring the Universe in Radio Colour
- Novel transient radio sources in MWA surveys
- Opening a window on the ionised interstellar medium of nearby galaxies
The Local Universe
- WALLABY science with ASKAP
- Radio Galaxies and Cosmic Magnetism Science with Continuum and Polarisation Radio Surveys
- The role of dwarf galaxies in cosmology
- A new look at galaxy evolution and how star formation ends in large galaxy clusters
- Mapping the neutral hydrogen in the nearby Universe
- Measuring motions in the Local Universe, with Next Generation methods and SKA-VLBI
- The star-formation and gas-cycle of galaxies in the local Universe
The Distant Universe
- The Evolution of Energy, Mass and Structure over all Time
- Illuminating Dark Matter and Black Holes
- The co-evolution of galaxies and their local environments over the last 8billion years
- The Physics of Galaxy Evolution Across Space and Time
- Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Surveys
- Towards a comprehensive modelling of the emission by galaxies near and far
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