This research group leads a number of high profile surveys that combine multi-wave-length data and spectroscopic redshift information to build comprehensive 3D maps of the local and distant Universe.
The multi-wavelength aspect is central to forming a more comprehensive view of galaxy structure and formation since different components of a galaxy (dark matter, stars, gas and dust) emit radiation from X-rays right through to the radio region. Projects are offered on the current generation GAMA (Galaxy and Mass Assembly) survey, an international collaboration led by ICRAR and Prof. Simon Driver, SAMI (state-of-the-art integral field spectroscopy survey of nearby galaxies) and the next-generation WAVES survey.
Available Projects
- The Evolution of Energy, Mass and Structure over all Time
- Illuminating Dark Matter and Black Holes
- The co-evolution of galaxies and their local environments over the last 8billion years
- The Physics of Galaxy Evolution Across Space and Time
- Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Surveys
- Towards a comprehensive modelling of the emission by galaxies near and far