Studentship Projects 2023
Computer simulations of globular cluster formation in the early Galaxy
Stormy weather in the Universe’s suburbs: understanding the radio emission of galaxy groups
Seeing How Stars Blow Bubbles
The curious case of the passive spiral galaxy
Automatic Quality Control of Images from an Internet Accessible Telescope
Relativistic spin precession in an eccentric neutron star-white dwarf binary
Using Large Language Models to interface to Virtual Observatories
Economic and Public Policy Implications of Large Science Projects like the SKA to Government
Investigating correlations between the high time resolution properties of Fast Radio Bursts and their host galaxies
Galaxies, galaxies everywhere: streamlining the discovery of brand new galaxies
Fast, faster, fastest: fast radio bursts seen at nanosecond resolution
Life is more fun with friends: searching for nearby neighbours of fast radio burst host galaxies
Real-time searches for Fast Radio Bursts with the Murchison Widefield Array
All-sky search for low-frequency FRBs using SKA-Low prototype stations
Understanding slowly-repeating transient radio sources