Refereed astrophysics journal articles authored or co-authored by ICRAR staff or visitors, listing ICRAR as their institution (July 1 to June 30).
Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abernathy, M., Accadia, T., Acernese, F., Adams, C., Adhikari, R., Affeldt, C., Allen, B., Allen, G. S., Amador Ceron, E., Amariutei, D., Amin, R. S., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Antonucci, F., Arai, K., Arain, M. A., Araya, M. C., Aston, S. M., Astone, P., Atkinson, D., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Aylott, B. E., Babak, S., Baker, P., Ballardin, G., Ballmer, S., Barker, D., Barnum, S., Barone, F., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barsuglia, M., Barton, M. A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Basti, A., Bauchrowitz, J., Bauer, T. S., Behnke, B., Beker, M. G., Bell, A. S., Belletoile, A., Belopolski, I., Benacquista, M., and 150 colleagues (2011) "Search for Gravitational Wave Bursts from Six Magnetars", The Astrophysical Journal, 734, L35.
Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abernathy, M., Accadia, T., Acernese, F., Adams, C., Adhikari, R., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, G., Amador Ceron, E., Amin, R. S., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Antonucci, F., Aoudia, S., Arain, M. A., Araya, M., Aronsson, M., Arun, K. G., Aso, Y., Aston, S., Astone, P., Atkinson, D. E., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Baker, P., Ballardin, G., Ballmer, S., Barker, D., Barnum, S., Barone, F., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barsuglia, M., Barton, M. A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Bauchrowitz, J., Bauer, T. S., Behnke, B., Beker, M. G., Belczynski, K., Benacquista, M., Bertolini, A., Betzwieser, J., and 150 colleagues (2010) "TOPICAL REVIEW: Predictions for the rates of compact binary coalescences observable by ground-based gravitational-wave detectors", Classical and Quantum Gravity, 27, 173001.
Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abernathy, M., Accadia, T., Acernese, F., Adams, C., Adhikari, R., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, G., Amador Ceron, E., Amin, R. S., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Antonucci, F., Arain, M. A., Araya, M., Aronsson, M., Arun, K. G., Aso, Y., Aston, S., Astone, P., Atkinson, D. E., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Baker, P., Ballardin, G., Ballinger, T., Ballmer, S., Barker, D., Barnum, S., Barone, F., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barsuglia, M., Barton, M. A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Bauchrowitz, J., Bauer, T. S., Behnke, B., Beker, M. G., Belletoile, A., Benacquista, M., Bertolini, A., Betzwieser, J., and 150 colleagues (2010) "Search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1", Physical Review D, 82, 102001.
Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abernathy, M., Adams, C., Adhikari, R., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, G., Amador Ceron, E., Amin, R. S., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Arain, M. A., Araya, M., Aronsson, M., Aso, Y., Aston, S., Atkinson, D. E., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Baker, P., Ballmer, S., Barker, D., Barnum, S., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barton, M. A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Bauchrowitz, J., Behnke, B., Benacquista, M., Bertolini, A., Betzwieser, J., Beveridge, N., Beyersdorf, P. T., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Birch, J., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, J. K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bock, O., and 150 colleagues (2010) "First Search for Gravitational Waves from the Youngest Known Neutron Star", The Astrophysical Journal, 722, 1504.
Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, G., Amador Ceron, E., Amin, R. S., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Arain, M. A., Araya, M., Aso, Y., Aston, S., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., Babak, S., Baker, P., Ballmer, S., Barker, D., Barr, B., Barriga, P., Barsotti, L., Barton, M. A., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Bastarrika, M., Behnke, B., Benacquista, M., Bennett, M. F., Betzwieser, J., Beyersdorf, P. T., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Biswas, R., Black, E., Blackburn, J. K., Blackburn, L., Blair, D., Bland, B., Bock, O., Bodiya, T. P., Bondarescu, R., Bork, R., Born, M., Bose, S., Brady, P. R., Braginsky, V. B., Brau, J. E., and 150 colleagues (2011) "Search for gravitational waves associated with the August 2006 timing glitch of the Vela pulsar", Physical Review D, 83, 042001.
Alberts, S., Calzetti, D., Dong, H., Johnson, L. C., Dale, D. A., Bianchi, L., Chandar, R., Kennicutt, R. C., Meurer, G. R., Regan, M., Thilker, D. (2011) "The Evolution of Stellar Populations in the Outer Disks of Spiral Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 731, 28.
Alves, M. I. R., Davies, R. D., Dickinson, C., Davis, R. J., Auld, R. R., Calabretta, M., Staveley-Smith, L. (2010) "Diffuse radio recombination line emission on the Galactic plane between l = 36° and 44°", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405, 1654.
Beirão, P., Armus, L., Appleton, P. N., Smith, J.-D. T., Croxall, K. V., Murphy, E. J., Dale, D. A., Helou, G., Kennicutt, R. C., Calzetti, D., Bolatto, A. D., Brandl, B. R., Crocker, A. F., Draine, B. T., Dumas, G., Engelbracht, C. W., Gil de Paz, A., Gordon, K. D., Groves, B., Hao, C.-N., Hinz, J. L., Hunt, L. K., Johnson, B. D., Koda, J., Krause, O., Leroy, A. K., Meidt, S. E., Richer, J., Rix, H.-W., Rahman, N., Roussel, H., Sandstrom, K. M., Sauvage, M., Schinnerer, E., Skibba, R. A., Srinivasan, S., Walter, F., Warren, B. E., Wilson, C. D., Wolfire, M. G., Zibetti, S. (2010) "Far-infrared line imaging of the starburst ring in NGC 1097 with the Herschel/PACS spectrometer", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518, L60.
Bekki, K. (2010) "Rotation and Multiple Stellar Population in Globular Clusters", The Astrophysical Journal, 724, L99.
Bekki, K. (2011) "On the Interpretation of Recent Proper Motion Data for the Large Magellanic Cloud", The Astrophysical Journal, 730, L2.
Bekki, K. (2011) "Secondary star formation within massive star clusters: origin of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412, 2241.
Bekki, K., Couch, W. J. (2010) "Origin of optically passive spiral galaxies with dusty star-forming regions. Outside-in truncation of star formation?", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 408, L11.
Bekki, K., Owers, M. S., Couch, W. J. (2010) "Synchronized Formation of Starburst and Post-starburst Galaxies in Merging Clusters of Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 718, L27.
Bekki, K., Tsujimoto, T. (2010) "Origin of the Unusually Low Nitrogen Abundances in Young Populations of the Large Magellanic Cloud", The Astrophysical Journal, 721, 1515.
Bernardi, G., Mitchell, D. A., Ord, S. M., Greenhill, L. J., Pindor, B., Wayth, R. B., Wyithe, J. S. B. (2011) "Subtraction of point sources from interferometric radio images through an algebraic forward modelling scheme", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413, 411.
Burke-Spolaor, S., Bailes, M., Ekers, R., Macquart, J.-P., Crawford, F. (2011) "Radio Bursts with Extragalactic Spectral Characteristics Show Terrestrial Origins", The Astrophysical Journal, 727, 18.
Cenko, S. B., Frail, D. A., Harrison, F. A., Haislip, J. B., Reichart, D. E., Butler, N. R., Cobb, B. E., Cucchiara, A., Berger, E., Bloom, J. S., Chandra, P., Fox, D. B., Perley, D. A., Prochaska, J. X., Filippenko, A. V., Glazebrook, K., Ivarsen, K. M., Kasliwal, M. M., Kulkarni, S. R., LaCluyze, A. P., Lopez, S., Morgan, A. N., Pettini, M., Rana, V. R. (2011) "Afterglow Observations of Fermi Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Bursts and the Emerging Class of Hyper-energetic Events", The Astrophysical Journal, 732, 29.
Christensen, L., D'Odorico, S., Pettini, M., Belokurov, V., Evans, N. W., Kellogg, M., Vernet, J. (2010) "X-shooter observations of the gravitational lens system CASSOWARY 5", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406, 2616.
Cioni, M.-R. L., Clementini, G., Girardi, L., Guandalini, R., Gullieuszik, M., Miszalski, B., Moretti, M.-I., Ripepi, V., Rubele, S., Bagheri, G., Bekki, K., Cross, N., de Blok, W. J. G., de Grijs, R., Emerson, J. P., Evans, C. J., Gibson, B., Gonzales-Solares, E., Groenewegen, M. A. T., Irwin, M., Ivanov, V. D., Lewis, J., Marconi, M., Marquette, J.-B., Mastropietro, C., Moore, B., Napiwotzki, R., Naylor, T., Oliveira, J. M., Read, M., Sutorius, E., van Loon, J. T., Wilkinson, M. I., Wood, P. R. (2011) "The VMC survey. I. Strategy and first data", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 527, A116.
Cooke, R., Pettini, M., Steidel, C. C., King, L. J., Rudie, G. C., Rakic, O. (2010) "A newly discovered DLA and associated Lyα emission in the spectra of the gravitationally lensed quasar UM673A,B", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409, 679.
Coriat, M., Corbel, S., Prat, L., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Cseh, D., Tzioumis, A. K., Brocksopp, C., Rodriguez, J., Fender, R. P., Sivakoff, G. R. (2011) "Radiatively efficient accreting black holes in the hard state: the case study of H1743-322", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414, 677.
Coward, D. M., Heary, A., Venville, G., Todd, M., Laas-Bourez, M., Zadnik, M., Klotz, A., Boër, M., Longnecker, N. (2011) "The Zadko telescope: A resource for science education enrichment", Advances in Space Research, 47, 1922.
Deller, A. T., Brisken, W. F., Phillips, C. J., Morgan, J., Alef, W., Cappallo, R., Middelberg, E., Romney, J., Rottmann, H., Tingay, S. J., Wayth, R. (2011) "DiFX-2: A More Flexible, Efficient, Robust, and Powerful Software Correlator", Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 123, 275.
Diaz, J., Bekki, K. (2011) "Constraining the orbital history of the Magellanic Clouds: a new bound scenario suggested by the tidal origin of the Magellanic Stream", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413, 2015.
Diaz, J., Bekki, K. (2011) "The Effect of Drag from the Galactic Hot Halo on the Magellanic Stream and Leading Arm", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 28, 117.
Driver, S. P., Hill, D. T., Kelvin, L. S., Robotham, A. S. G., Liske, J., Norberg, P., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P., Hopkins, A. M., Loveday, J., Peacock, J. A., Andrae, E., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brough, S., Brown, M. J. I., Cameron, E., Ching, J. H. Y., Colless, M., Conselice, C. J., Croom, S. M., Cross, N. J. G., de Propris, R., Dye, S., Drinkwater, M. J., Ellis, S., Graham, A. W., Grootes, M. W., Gunawardhana, M., Jones, D. H., van Kampen, E., Maraston, C., Nichol, R. C., Parkinson, H. R., Phillipps, S., Pimbblet, K., Popescu, C. C., Prescott, M., Roseboom, I. G., Sadler, E. M., Sansom, A. E., Sharp, R. G., Smith, D. J. B., Taylor, E., Thomas, D., Tuffs, R. J., Wijesinghe, D., Dunne, L., Frenk, C. S., Jarvis, M. J., Madore, B. F., and 5 colleagues (2011) "Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): survey diagnostics and core data release", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413, 971.
Duffy, A. R., Schaye, J., Kay, S. T., Dalla Vecchia, C., Battye, R. A., Booth, C. M. (2010) "Impact of baryon physics on dark matter structures: a detailed simulation study of halo density profiles", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405, 2161.
Engelbracht, C. W., Hunt, L. K., Skibba, R. A., Hinz, J. L., Calzetti, D., Gordon, K. D., Roussel, H., Crocker, A. F., Misselt, K. A., Bolatto, A. D., Kennicutt, R. C., Appleton, P. N., Armus, L., Beirão, P., Brandl, B. R., Croxall, K. V., Dale, D. A., Draine, B. T., Dumas, G., Gil de Paz, A., Groves, B., Hao, C.-N., Johnson, B. D., Koda, J., Krause, O., Leroy, A. K., Meidt, S. E., Murphy, E. J., Rahman, N., Rix, H.-W., Sandstrom, K. M., Sauvage, M., Schinnerer, E., Smith, J.-D. T., Srinivasan, S., Vigroux, L., Walter, F., Warren, B. E., Wilson, C. D., Wolfire, M. G., Zibetti, S. (2010) "Enhanced dust heating in the bulges of early-type spiral galaxies", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518, L56.
Erb, D. K., Pettini, M., Shapley, A. E., Steidel, C. C., Law, D. R., Reddy, N. A. (2010) "Physical Conditions in a Young, Unreddened, Low-metallicity Galaxy at High Redshift", The Astrophysical Journal, 719, 1168.
Fenech, D., Beswick, R., Muxlow, T. W. B., Pedlar, A., Argo, M. K. (2010) "Wide-field Global VLBI and MERLIN combined monitoring of supernova remnants in M82", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 408, 607.
Freudling, W., Staveley-Smith, L., Catinella, B., Minchin, R., Calabretta, M., Momjian, E., Zwaan, M., Meyer, M., O'Neil, K. (2011) "Deep 21 cm H I Observations at z ≈ 0.1: The Precursor to the Arecibo Ultra Deep Survey", The Astrophysical Journal, 727, 40.
Gendre, B., Stratta, G., Laas-Bourez, M., Coward, D. M., Klotz, A., Cutini, S., Boër, M., Stockdale, C. (2011) "The puzzling temporally variable optical and X-ray afterglow of GRB 101024A", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 530, A74.
Giroletti, M., Paragi, Z., Bignall, H., Doi, A., Foschini, L., Gabányi, K. É., Reynolds, C., Blanchard, J., Campbell, R. M., Colomer, F., Hong, X., Kadler, M., Kino, M., van Langevelde, H. J., Nagai, H., Phillips, C., Sekido, M., Szomoru, A., Tzioumis, A. K. (2011) "Global e-VLBI observations of the gamma-ray narrow line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 528, L11.
Gurovich, S., Freeman, K., Jerjen, H., Staveley-Smith, L., Puerari, I. (2010) "The Slope of the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation", The Astronomical Journal, 140, 663.
Hughes, A., Wong, T., Ott, J., Muller, E., Pineda, J. L., Mizuno, Y., Bernard, J.-P., Paradis, D., Maddison, S., Reach, W. T., Staveley-Smith, L., Kawamura, A., Meixner, M., Kim, S., Onishi, T., Mizuno, N., Fukui, Y. (2010) "Physical properties of giant molecular clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406, 2065.
Irwin, J. A., Wilson, C. D., Wiegert, T., Bendo, G. J., Warren, B. E., Wang, Q. D., Israel, F. P., Serjeant, S., Knapen, J. H., Brinks, E., Tilanus, R. P. J., van der Werf, P., Mühle, S. (2011) "The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey - V. The CO(J= 3-2) distribution and molecular outflow in NGC 4631", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410, 1423.
Kalberla, P. M. W., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Pisano, D. J., Calabretta, M. R., Ford, H. A., Lockman, F. J., Staveley-Smith, L., Kerp, J., Winkel, B., Murphy, T., Newton-McGee, K. (2010) "GASS: the Parkes Galactic all-sky survey. II. Stray-radiation correction and second data release", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 521, A17.
Leitherer, C., Ortiz Otálvaro, P. A., Bresolin, F., Kudritzki, R.-P., Lo Faro, B., Pauldrach, A. W. A., Pettini, M., Rix, S. A. (2010) "A Library of Theoretical Ultraviolet Spectra of Massive, Hot Stars for Evolutionary Synthesis", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 189, 309.
Macquart, J.-P. (2011) "Detection Rates for Surveys for Fast Transients with Next Generation Radio Arrays", The Astrophysical Journal, 734, 20.
Mantovani, F., Rossetti, A., Junor, W., Saikia, D. J., Salter, C. J. (2010) "Radio polarimetry of 3C 119, 3C 318, and 3C 343 at milliarcsecond resolution", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518, A33.
Mao, M. Y., Huynh, M. T., Norris, R. P., Dickinson, M., Frayer, D., Helou, G., Monkiewicz, J. A. (2011) "No Evidence for Evolution in the Far-infrared-Radio Correlation out to z ~ 2 in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South", The Astrophysical Journal, 731, 79.
Mao, M. Y., Sharp, R., Saikia, D. J., Norris, R. P., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Middelberg, E., Lovell, J. E. J. (2010) "Wide-angle tail galaxies in ATLAS", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406, 2578.
Massardi, M., Ekers, R. D., Murphy, T., Mahony, E., Hancock, P. J., Chhetri, R., de Zotti, G., Sadler, E. M., Burke-Spolaor, S., Calabretta, M., Edwards, P. G., Ekers, J. A., Jackson, C. A., Kesteven, M. J., Newton-McGee, K., Phillips, C., Ricci, R., Roberts, P., Sault, R. J., Staveley-Smith, L., Subrahmanyan, R., Walker, M. A., Wilson, W. E. (2011) "The Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) Survey: analysis of the extragalactic source sample", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412, 318.
Morgan, J. S., Mantovani, F., Deller, A. T., Brisken, W., Alef, W., Middelberg, E., Nanni, M., Tingay, S. J. (2011) "VLBI imaging throughout the primary beam using accurate UV shifting", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 526, A140.
Moscadelli, L., Cesaroni, R., Rioja, M. J., Dodson, R., Reid, M. J. (2011) "Methanol and water masers in IRAS 20126+4104: the distance, the disk, and the jet", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 526, A66.
Nestor, D. B., Johnson, B. D., Wild, V., Ménard, B., Turnshek, D. A., Rao, S., Pettini, M. (2011) "Large-scale outflows from z≃ 0.7 starburst galaxies identified via ultrastrong Mg II quasar absorption lines", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412, 1559.
Ng, C.-Y., Potter, T. M., Staveley-Smith, L., Tingay, S., Gaensler, B. M., Phillips, C., Tzioumis, A. K., Zanardo, G. (2011) "First VLBI Detection of the Radio Remnant of Supernova 1987A: Evidence for Small-scale Features", The Astrophysical Journal, 728, L15.
Ord, S. M., Mitchell, D. A., Wayth, R. B., Greenhill, L. J., Bernardi, G., Gleadow, S., Edgar, R. G., Clark, M. A., Allen, G., Arcus, W., Benkevitch, L., Bowman, J. D., Briggs, F. H., Bunton, J. D., Burns, S., Cappallo, R. J., Coles, W. A., Corey, B. E., deSouza, L., Doeleman, S. S., Derome, M., Deshpande, A., Emrich, D., Goeke, R., Gopalakrishna, M. R., Herne, D., Hewitt, J. N., Kamini, P. A., Kaplan, D. L., Kasper, J. C., Kincaid, B. B., Kocz, J., Kowald, E., Kratzenberg, E., Kumar, D., Lonsdale, C. J., Lynch, M. J., McWhirter, S. R., Madhavi, S., Matejek, M., Morales, M. F., Morgan, E., Oberoi, D., Pathikulangara, J., Prabu, T., Rogers, A. E. E., Roshi, A., Salah, J. E., Schinkel, A., Udaya Shankar, N., and 9 colleagues (2010) "Interferometric Imaging with the 32 Element Murchison Wide-Field Array", Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 122, 1353.
Overzier, R. A., Heckman, T. M., Wang, J., Armus, L., Buat, V., Howell, J., Meurer, G., Seibert, M., Siana, B., Basu-Zych, A., Charlot, S., Gonçalves, T. S., Martin, D. C., Neill, J. D., Rich, R. M., Salim, S., Schiminovich, D. (2011) "Dust Attenuation in UV-selected Starbursts at High Redshift and Their Local Counterparts: Implications for the Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density", The Astrophysical Journal, 726, L7.
Pahari, M., Pal, S. (2010) "Signature of long-term class evolution in GRS 1915+105 at a high accretion rate", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409, 903.
Petrov, L., Phillips, C., Tzioumis, T., Stansby, B., Reynolds, C., Bignall, H. E., Gulyaev, S., Natusch, T., Palmer, N., Collett, D., Reynolds, J. E., Amy, S. W., Wayth, R., Tingay, S. J. (2011) "First Geodetic Observations Using New VLBI Stations ASKAP-29 and WARK12M", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 28, 107.
Pindor, B., Wyithe, J. S. B., Mitchell, D. A., Ord, S. M., Wayth, R. B., Greenhill, L. J. (2011) "Subtraction of Bright Point Sources from Synthesis Images of the Epoch of Reionization", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 28, 46.
Rioja, M., Dodson, R. (2011) "High-precision Astrometric Millimeter Very Long Baseline Interferometry Using a New Method for Atmospheric Calibration", The Astronomical Journal, 141, 114.
Sandstrom, K., Krause, O., Linz, H., Schinnerer, E., Dumas, G., Meidt, S., Rix, H.-W., Sauvage, M., Walter, F., Kennicutt, R. C., Calzetti, D., Appleton, P., Armus, L., Beirão, P., Bolatto, A., Brandl, B., Crocker, A., Croxall, K., Dale, D., Draine, B. T., Engelbracht, C., Gil de Paz, A., Gordon, K., Groves, B., Hao, C.-N., Helou, G., Hinz, J., Hunt, L., Johnson, B. D., Koda, J., Leroy, A., Murphy, E. J., Rahman, N., Roussel, H., Skibba, R., Smith, J.-D., Srinivasan, S., Vigroux, L., Warren, B. E., Wilson, C. D., Wolfire, M., Zibetti, S. (2010) "Mapping far-IR emission from the central kiloparsec of NGC 1097", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 518, L59.
Smits, R., Tingay, S. J., Wex, N., Kramer, M., Stappers, B. (2011) "Prospects for accurate distance measurements of pulsars with the Square Kilometre Array: Enabling fundamental physics", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 528, A108.
Soria, R. (2011) "Hard and soft spectral states of ULXs", Astronomische Nachrichten, 332, 330.
Stappers, B. W., Hessels, J. W. T., Alexov, A., Anderson, K., Coenen, T., Hassall, T., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., van Leeuwen, J., Mol, J. D., Noutsos, A., Romein, J. W., Weltevrede, P., Fender, R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Bähren, L., Bell, M. E., Broderick, J., Daw, E. J., Dhillon, V. S., Eislöffel, J., Falcke, H., Griessmeier, J., Law, C., Markoff, S., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Scheers, B., Spreeuw, H., Swinbank, J., Ter Veen, S., Wise, M. W., Wucknitz, O., Zarka, P., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Beck, R., Bennema, P., Bentum, M. J., Best, P., Bregman, J., Brentjens, M., van de Brink, R. H., Broekema, P. C., Brouw, W. N., Brüggen, M., de Bruyn, A. G., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., and 44 colleagues (2011) "Observing pulsars and fast transients with LOFAR", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 530, A80.
Steidel, C. C., Erb, D. K., Shapley, A. E., Pettini, M., Reddy, N., Bogosavljević, M., Rudie, G. C., Rakic, O. (2010) "The Structure and Kinematics of the Circumgalactic Medium from Far-ultraviolet Spectra of z ~= 2-3 Galaxies", The Astrophysical Journal, 717, 289.
Straughn, A. N., Kuntschner, H., Kümmel, M., Walsh, J. R., Cohen, S. H., Gardner, J. P., Windhorst, R. A., O'Connell, R. W., Pirzkal, N., Meurer, G., McCarthy, P. J., Hathi, N. P., Malhotra, S., Rhoads, J., Balick, B., Bond, H. E., Calzetti, D., Disney, M. J., Dopita, M. A., Frogel, J. A., Hall, D. N. B., Holtzman, J. A., Kimble, R. A., Mutchler, M., Paresce, F., Saha, A., Silk, J. I., Trauger, J. T., Walker, A. R., Whitmore, B. C., Young, E. T., Xu, C. (2011) "Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Early Release Science: Emission-line Galaxies from Infrared Grism Observations", The Astronomical Journal, 141, 14.
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