Target planning
The guide to using Stellarium
Stellarium Handbook
A quick guide that explains the celestial coordinates system.
Celestial coordinates
Tips for choosing the best objects to view with SPIRIT
Choosing your target
A background sheet that explains concepts such as telescope resolution and field of view for SPIRIT users.
Resolving the night sky with SPIRIT
Basic imaging with SPIRIT 2
Using SPIRIT 2 for the first time? This may help!
Taking your first image with SPIRIT
This procedure details steps required to take a series of images through different filters, using SPIRIT 2.
Taking a colour series with SPIRIT
How to write a simple program for SPIRIT 2 to follow during a scheduled viewing time
Creating a plan for live viewing
Basic imaging with SPIRIT 3, 4 & 6
This document provides instruction on how to schedule an automated request using the SPIRIT Scheduler.
Scheduling your first request with SPIRIT
Other useful guides
Exposure and Binning help.
Exposure and Binning Help
A further guide to choosing exposures .
SPIRIT exposure guide
A short guide that helps explain the orientation of images acquired by SPIRIT telescopes.
Which way is up?
SPICE Evolution of the Universe target lists
The SPICE sequence Evolution of the Universe has been developed to address year 10 Australian Curriculum Science requirements. Optimised monthly target lists for the SPIRIT telescope component of the sequence can be downloaded here.
Advanced imaging with SPIRIT
SPIRIT 3, 4 & 6 Scheduler
Advanced Scheduling with SPIRIT
Tips for using the SPIRIT 2 telescope
SPIRIT 2 Imaging Tips
Astrophotography and image processing
A guide to using Filezilla, a free FTP program, to access your images from the SPIRIT servers
Using Filezilla
A short guide that explains how to use FITS Liberator to convert FITS files to TIFF files for processing in Photoshop.
Using FITS Liberator to access high quality images from SPIRIT
Creating a colour image with SPIRIT using Photoshop
LRGB Photoshop v2
Creating a colour image using free web browser program Photopea. Photopea is an effective replacement for Photoshop if you are using jpg files.
Accessing files and using Photopea
Advanced science projects
Guides from the SPIRIT 102 workshop, Using SPIRIT to Image Asteroids.
Targeting Minor Planets with SPIRIT
Finding precise Minor Planet Ephemerides for use with SPIRIT
The workshop guide from SPIRIT 301: Variable star photometry.
SPIRIT variable star light curve activity